/26\ His Full Name

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Connie's POV:

"Hazza. Baby. Wake up." I groaned, poking his nose. He groaned, scrunching his face and putting an arm over his eyes. "Harry, cmon, pleeeaseeeeee." I pouted.

He just grunted in response and huffed, his chest slowing again.

"Harry Edward Styles." I said, jokingly. He removed the arm from his face and opened his eyes to look at me. "What did you just call me?" He growled.

"Harry. Edward. Styles. Because that's your name. Now get up, I don't want to lie in bed all day." I sighed.

"Forget that. You know I don't like being called by my full name." He said warningly.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. Get up lazy." I muttered.

"Are you getting attitude with me?" He said sternly. He sat up and hovered over me, making me shrink back a little.

"N-no." I mumbled. I hated when Harry had to tell me off like this, sometimes it made me scared of him, because I hated when he was angry, too.

"Sweetheart. That was a lie. You know I don't like liars." He grumbled.

"I-I'm sorry baby boy." I mumbled, tearing my eyes away from him.

"Look at me!" He barked.
"Harr-ry. Stop, you're scaring me." I sniffed,  trying to hold back tears.

He sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to. Just please don't call me by my full name, I hate it." He cringed. I nodded, leaning up to kiss him, but he leaned away, making me frown.

"Meanie." I pouted.

"Ok then. No cuddles or kisses for you today." He smirked. He climbed off me, pulling on m a random pair of joggers and a tank shirt. I just watched him, frowning.

"That's not fair." I groaned.

"Sorry sweetheart. You need to learn your lessons."

I sighed again, wiping my eyes and snuggling back into the bed seeing as he wouldn't do anything with me today.

"Baby, I was joking." He chuckled, walking back over to me. I looked up at him with glistening eyes, as I had started tearing up.

He pouted, leaning down. "Aww baby, please don't cry, I'm sorry." He leaned down and placed a passionate kiss on my lips, making me smile. I pulled him back into the bed and he sat with his knees either side of my waist, making me a little nervous.

"Oh hi." I mumbled, smiling to myself. He ran his hand through his short, curly hair and grinned down at me. "Get this off before I push you off the bed." I frowned, tugging at his tank top.

He rolled his eyes playfully and peeled off the top, making me grin and pull him down, cuddling him. He kissed my forehead and put the blanket over us both. I ran my fingertips up his spine and he shivered, his back muscles tensing.

He let out a low groan, putting his head in my neck and kissing it lightly. "I love you bubbas."

"I love you more baby."

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