/27\ Ill Snuggles

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Bonnie's POV:

I approached Harry's door, raising my hand to it and knocking lightly. "Come in." He groaned.

"Aw, my poor Hazza." I pouted.

Harry has recently caught a fever and had a really runny nose. "Hi Bonnieeee." He smiled, sitting up a little.

"Is my little Harry ill?" I sighed, shutting the door behind me. "Yours?" He smirked.

Harry was my best friend, but for a few weeks I had been feeling different about him, and I just couldn't hide it. And I think he was already catching up.

"Shh you're ill. Here, I've got your meds." I said, changing the subject. I handed him a bottle of water and some tablets and he thankfully accepted them with a smile, chugging them down.

"You didn't have to come over you know, I'll be fine." He shrugged, wiping his nose on some tissue.

"I know. I just thought you'd want company." I said, a little awkwardly.

"I really appreciate it, thank you sweetheart." He mumbled, wiping his sweaty forehead.

"Do you want anything? I can clean or something, or make you food?" I offered.

"S'okay. I'm good for now." He smiled.

"Can you come here?" He said groggily.

I nodded, placing my bag down and walking over to his side. I knelt down beside him, pushing his hair off his forehead.

"I want to cuddle."

"Harry, your ill. I don't want to catch your cold." I frowned.

Although it was so tempting to just snuggle up beside him and let him cuddle me.

"But I to cuddle you, like we usually do." He huffed. He reached his hand out to my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "I don't like it when you're not here with me. I get lonely." I struggled to get my words out for a moment, making Harry smirk, knowing the effect he had on me. I sighed a little, letting him play with strands of my hair. "Please?" He begged.

"Fine, but if I catch your cold your in big trouble." I warned. He grinned, realising his hand from my hair as I stood up and walked to the other side of the bed.

I slipped my trainers off and pulled back the covers, sliding in the empty space.

"This is much better." He said, facing me.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling and feeling the warmth of the bed overtake me. "Are you cold?" He asked.

I lied and shook my head, feeling my eyes starting to close.

I squeaked as he pulled my forward to his body, so now I was face to face with him. We were extremely close and it was making me nervous.


"Hi." He grinned cheekily.

"Shut up." I mumbled, my cheeks going red as I smiled. He slung an arm over my waist and pressed his lips against my forehead.

I rested my head on his chest and he rubbed small circles on my back.

I breathed a sigh of content, my love towards him bubbling.

"This. I need this. All the time. 24/7. He sighed.

"Maybe you can." I said quietly, yawning.

He said nothing, and I could feel some tension from him.



"Will you- will you be my girlfiriend?" He whispered hoarsely.

I grinned, lifting my head up. "Of course, Hazza. I'd love to." I smiled. I leaned up, giving him a small kiss on the lips and snuggling back into his arms.

"You've made me so happy." He squeezed my waist tighter with his arm and moved his other hand up to my hair, rubbing his fingers into my scalp.

"Me too, Hazza."

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