Meeting him

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Thank you to Nightshade_Luna_Moon  and to HowellxBlue for helping me make this possible again.


You nervously walk around your new neighborhood. You had just moved to town and you were looking for somewhere to eat since you didn't have your fridge yet. Walking around a corner you swiftly past it. But running into someone as they spill their drink on you.

The man gasped. "I'm so sorry!" He said in a thick Irish accent. The drink Soaping into your shirt. You groan, looking up at the Man. "I-I just got this shirt. Sorry..." He had bright green hair, black glasses as he had on a blue hoodie and jeans with sneakers. ((I know his hair color is different but I like his hair green.))

"Sorry about that lass. I didn't see you there. I'll buy you a new shirt! Promise!" "No no! It's fine....." He stared at you. Shaking his head. "No. I was looking at my phone....I'm Sean." He said to you. You smile softly. "I'm (y/n)..."


You wake up in a cold sweat. Your breaths were heavy as you rub your face. This was the third time you woke up in the night. You got up from bed, walking to the bathroom to wash your face and cool down, sighing.

Once you look up however you see a man with a slit across his throat, bright green eyes and hair. You scream, turning around to find nothing. Looking back at the mirror you see nothing. "I'm going crazy...." You whisper to yourself. Walking back to your bed and laying down above the blankets.

"You're not going crazy." A voice whispers into your ear. Making you jump. You see the man again. A creepy smile on his face as he got closer. Before, disappearing.


You walk through the park, walking your pet dog. She was a (dog breed) and she loved to take walks. You let her do her business on a tree as you glance over at a baseball court nearby. You see a grown man playing with kids, letting them win as he playfully high fives them.

You blush softly. Seeing as he was cute to you. Looking down at (dog name). You didn't seem to notice her breaking free of her leash. Running toward the basketball, wanting to play. You yell, running after her as you didn't want to interrupt their game. But the grown man gently bent down to the dog.

Picking her up as he glanced at you. You blush. Thanking him as you hook her leash back on. "I'm (y/n). Thank you so much. I would've died if I had lost her." He laughs softly. "No problem. I'm Chase..."

Doctor Schneeplestein:

You had to visit your new doctor for a yearly flu shot. Your old doctor had to move you to Schneeplestein because she had too many patients. This was your first time seeing him, so you were very nervous and a bit uncomfortable that he was a man and not a woman. You walk into the room, sitting on the uncomfortable hospital bed as you waited for him to arrive.

Finally, the door opened as a man came through the door. Pulling the mask down from his mouth. "Ah! Well, what do we have here?" He smiled. A thick German accent coming from his words as he spoke. He walked over. "Hello, Miss...(y/n)? Mein name is Doctor Schneeplestein. I know I am not a female. But, I believe ve can get past that?" He asked.

You nervously rub your arm. "Yes, Sorry Schneeplestein, your just my first male doctor!" You laugh nervously. He laughs. "I am very aware of that. Now, have you have any pains lately?" He asked. After asking all those stupid doctor questions, he finally gave you the shot. Wishing you a goodbye. You have to admit it. Your doctor was cute.

Magic Marvin:

You pull your friend into the show, and excited look on your face as you two sat in the front. You had won a small contest to win two free Magic Marvin tickets. And you brought your friend so you wouldn't be alone. But, they didn't like Marvin. So they just played on their phone as the show began.

The lights went low as Marvin suddenly appeared on the stage in a cloud of smoke, the crowd cheering. You whistle and scream in excitement, getting a certain Marvin's eyes. As the show continued, he asked for a volunteer from the crowd. As you jolt up and raise your hand. Marvin seemed to want you to volunteer as without a second thought he asked for you to come up.

You run-up to the stage. Smiling. "Thank you for picking me, Marvin! I'm (y/n) I'm such a big fan!" He smiled at you. "Always for a fan M'lady. Now. Close your eyes!" After the trick, you left the stage with a rose from Marvin. A soft blush on your cheeks. What a wonderful night...

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