Going to the beach

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Jack would be ready and hour early, wanting the sun and the sand all to himself. But you would keep telling him that there will be plenty of enough sun and sand for everyone. You would pick yourself out a green two-piece and model to yourself in the bathroom.

But before you would leave you would put some clothes over it.  Once there, Jack would be amazed at your swimsuit, saying how you look wonderful. You both would play out in the water and then sunbathe. But Jack of course would quickly offer to put sunscreen on your back. 


Anti wouldn't be a big fan of the beach, but you somehow convinced him to go. He would wear his shirt and swimming trunks. Not wanting anyone to see his pale body. But you would say otherwise, he was handsome with or without a shirt. Giving him an ego boost.

He would make you put on pounds of sunscreen too if he had to be pale. So do you. Which you found a sort of funny. But he had a lot of ideas for the day, it mostly had him pranking other people. Which you just sat and watched the hell unfold. 


Chase would love the beach! The warm sun, the nice sand. The cool water. But the only thing he hated was men looking at your body. He knew he was lucky to have you and was happy that other men glanced in your direction and couldn't believe that you were dating him.

But enough is enough, he loves you but he doesn't want any other eyes on you apart from his and his only! But he did show them you were his as he kissed your lips gently, making sure the other men know you're his.   He gave them a cheeky smirk.

Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik would like a nice break after long days at the hospital, the cold air from the hospital got to him so he suggested a trip to the beach. Which you quickly jumped onto the idea. You found finally show the world the final result of your diet!

Henrik said you would look beautiful anyway, which really made you happy. But enough of that! You two got the most sun, so Henrik made you wear sunscreen. He did take his time with putting it on your back though. 

Magic Marvin:

Marvin would love your swimming suit, he would compliment you all day on saying how beautiful you looked if you ever felt like you looked weird or bad. He would build sandcastles with you until your heart content. He would want you to be happy most of all.

He would whisper sweet things to you as he did your back, before getting a little more into it and you told him to stop. Your face complexity red. Marvin would be smirking, proud that you still love him. And that he can get you easily embarrassed.

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