New character: Robbie the zombie

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Meeting him:

This world was hell. Ever since last year, the outbreak of a deadly virus turned the dead into a living, but very different.  Their skin rotten and torn, their smell was horrible. And yet, here you are. All alone in this zombie outbreak. Just you, your gun, and your will to continue on.

You stopped to rest under a tree, the branches shading you from the beating sun which tried to burn you to death.  You felt your eyes grow heavy as your body finally relaxed, soon, you found yourself in a deep slumber.

After a few hours, you woke up to see a shadow looming over you, looking up you see a walker, making you quickly panic as you tried to reach for your gun.  "N-no....Robbie......Friends...." The Walker seemed to choke out, his rotting hand reaching for you as the sudden smell of rotting flesh came to your nose.

You felt your stomach turn at the strong smell. Puking up the last of your empty stomach as the walker did not harm you.  You turned to look at the walker once more, your body shaking from your sickness. "P-Please. Just make it quick...." Your voice quivers.

The walker just stood there. Before struggling to sit. His body hitting the grass below him. "R-Robbbbie...Friend...." 

Second meeting:

The walker was still laying in front of you, his groggily voice speaking to you like he once was when human. It made you sad really.  He kept telling you how he was a 'friend'. And he didn't want to bite or kill you.

It made you feel somewhat at ease but you still kept guard.  Robbie got up as he heard a noise, you slowly follow behind him, maybe if you stay near him, his rotting flesh might mask your human scent.

You frown as a small rabbit was stuck in some barbed wire, the animal struggling to get its small leg loose.  You let out a small shriek as Robbie sinks his teeth into the rabbit's flesh, a loud animal shriek being heard before dying down.

You felt yourself be sick once more as Robbie continues to eat at the animal. Looking away you felt tears in your eyes.  Were you really trusting a walker? You didn't have any other plan. 

Getting to know him:

So far, Robbie wasn't eating you. Only eating small animals that you have caught. It made you feel a little more at ease.  He told you about his human life before, and how his life ended.  He was trapped between a hoard of walkers. He cried for his friend's help but he just left him to die. 

Strange feelings (his p.o.v):

Robbie watched as you cleaned your face with some fresh water from your bottle. He felt a little tingle in his hands and chest.  He was surprised, ever since he died, he never felt anything like this. He had to keep this feeling. He had to stay with you.

  His blush:

He never really blushed, but his voice was always more groggily then normal. He would try and talk but it would come out in groans.  You were very confused most of the time. Which made Robbie frustrated. 

He asks you out:

Robbie was watching you eat from a tin can. He was nervous, he slowly walked over. And sat next to you. You tried not to throw up at his smell.  He frowned, knowing he couldn't help the smell of his rotting flesh.

He slowly opened his mouth. "Robbie....l-loves....(y/n)....." He groaned.  You start to choke on your canned beans. Before turning to him with a large blush. A walker was in love with you.  " you too Robbie...."  You softly smile.  And you fell in love with the undead. 


Robbie loves cuddling you, he loves to feel how warm you are compared to his cold dead skin. He loves to hold your waist and lay his chin on his shoulder.  At first. You felt sick when cuddling him because of his smell. But now you've gotten used to it.

If he ever gets sick:

He can't. He's dead.

  If you ever got sick:

Robbie wouldn't like this, he didn't want you to die and turn into the monster like him. He hated the thought of it.  Robbie would carry you for days and nights.

Walking to many cites and small towns to find medication for you.  He would even kill for it. It was his nature now. He would tear human flesh to get you feeling well again. 

Cute nicknames:

Robbie loves to call you a butterfly. He sees butterflies everywhere in the tall grass and it just reminds them of you.  You like to call him cutie. It makes him feel a little bit more confident in himself since he thinks he's a monster. 

He tries to cook:

You two were sitting in front of the fire that you have made. You left to go use the bathroom behind a tree and left Robbie alone with a dead rabbit roasting over the fire.

He saw that one part wasn't cooking until he reached for the rabbit to turn it. But his hand caught on fire.  He didn't panic, for he couldn't feel any pain. He thought nothing of it. But when you came back you scream and out his hand. 

They slap your butt:

Robbie Knew What this meant. And he felt like you were getting enough 'love' from him. He wanted you to feel excited around him.  So the solution to this problem was to grasp your ass. Yes. This would work. Besides. No one would see this. He's sure every human is dead apart from you.  He went over, slapping your ass as he....firmly grasped it. Making you jump and nervously sputter.

Making out:

Now, you'd think making out with a zombie would be revolting. And for the most part, yes. Yes, it is. But Robbie was different.  Yes, the smell of rotting flesh was still there but you felt passion when he kissed you, Love. He would growl lowly as you would try and pull away. Wanting nothing but your warm lips on his cold ones.  At first, you would only let him kiss you, but one day he shoved his tongue past your mouth. His cold tongue felt.....good for some odd reason. It felt, strangely good.  Robbie would always want to feel your warm lips on his cold skin. 

When you're on your period:

It was a very scary week every time your period would start. Robbie would smell the strong scent of blood. Making him hungry. But he can't figure where it is.  Until one day, he realized it was coming from you. It made him more hungry. He would keep it to himself but it would drive him crazy.  He was almost tempted to rip your pants off and smell the blood.

You catch him shirtless:

You panic as you tear off Robbie's shirt, it was once more on fire due to him being careless around the fire.  You throw water on the now destroyed shirt. Sighing as you turn around him only to slightly blush.  Apart from one of his ribs showing he looked like a model. A very hot, undead model. But a model none the less.  You look away with a large blush.

They have a nightmare:

Robbie kept having the same daydream every night. The day he died. He can still hear his screams for help.  He can still feel the pain when the walkers bit into his flesh, the pain was too much, he still shakes at the thought. He never wants that to happen to you. Never.

He does something cute:

You were relaxing on a fallen tree. Your shoes kicked off. Robbie was sitting next to you on the ground.  He soon began to play with your toes, making you giggle as your feet were ticklish. He kept doing it. Making you laugh.

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