Happily ever after (RE WRITTEN)

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((Thank you to everyone who's joined me with this story. I loved every comment and every vote. I'm so sorry if you don't like these endings that I give. You all mean the world to me. And I can't help but smile as you tell me how good I am. But, this would've never continued without you all. I love you guys.)) 


Jack loved the time spent with you. Every moment was amazing, and what was better is that he just couldn't help but smile at you.  As you both got older. The love just got stronger. And he didn't want it any other way. He loved you. He cherished you.  He will always be. Your Jacksepticeye.


Anti was your demon, your glitch bitch. But most importantly. Your husband. It made both of your lives amazing. From every good to every bad. He loves every moment. But what does he know? It's only just the beginning. Now its time to start a family.


On the wedding day, Chase was so much brighter. Even his brothers commented on how much happier you made him. And what got better? Chase had won over complete custody of his children! It was the best life he could have asked for.

Dr. Schneeplestin:

Henrik had a great outlook on life now, he had a wife, a great job. What more could he ask for? Oh, wait, you're pregnant! Even better! You and Henrik waited eagerly for your future child. You have already set up a nursery, it was perfect.

Magic Marvin:

Marvin had hit it big time. Ever since the wedding, you both have been traveling the world since he got offered to have his own world tour. You kissed on the Great wall of china, Roamed the walls of the coliseum. And walked the sands of the best beaches in the world.


The struggles of being the city hero were over, he finally settled down. He didn't really mind it all. Some new heroes had shown up and took over. Now he can focus more on his future with you. He spent more time with you, and even the mayor said that he never needed to pay home. It was great.


You two could finally rest. You had found an abandoned bunker underground filled with years of supplies. So you two fixed up a few things and settled down. It was amazing, you didn't need to worry about ever dying a painful death. Robbie was glad he could finally rest with you. You may not ever have a family, but you have each other.

Jameson Jackson:

Jameson and you soon started a family and had a beautiful baby boy. You both were happy, and it was made even better when Anti wasn't bothering Jameson anymore. When asked, he finally said he didn't want to mess with a perfect life he had. Both of you were excited about what the future held.

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