He does something funny

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Jack was eating some yogurt from the fridge and he was having a small conversation with you while doing so, you were working on some documents you needed to turn in to your boss by tomorrow and he was just entertaining you while you worked.

He finished his yogurt and went to throw it away, but he threw the spoon in the trash and the empty yogurt cup in the sink, it took him a small moment to see what he did. You were already laughing at his small mistake.  "Oh, guess I was paying too much mindset on our conversation and didn't notice!" Jack laughed, digging the spoon out of the trash.


Anti and you were in the park enjoying the summer day, Anti had just bought a burger and was sitting on a bench to eat it, but he glanced over at some pigeons who were watching him eat. As a joke, Anti tossed the birds some bread from the burger, the pigeons hungrily racing for it.  Anti laughed, throwing more crumbs to the pigeons, but you notice this small act.

Knowing how aggressive the pigeons got when being teased with the food you warned him not to feed them anymore. But he didn't listen as he continues.  You hear a yell, turning around you see the pigeons attacking Anti as they peck at him to obtain the food. Making him drop it. "I warned you!"


Chase had his kids over for the weekend, you loved having the kids over because they made him so much happier, and they like calling you mommy as well. So Chase was outside playing in the pool with the kids.  He got on the diving board and called you to watch him, his kids dared him to do a belly flop and he was going to do it.

You quickly got up to stop him since you knew it hurt like hell but it was too late, Chase jumped.  You wince as you hear a loud slap of the water hitting his stomach, the friction of the flat surface making him curl up in pain. Chase now had a red stomach, all because he did a belly flop on the pool. 

Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik and you were out eating for dinner, you both had ordered the lovely steak dinner and you casually talked to one another as you wait on your food. As it finally arrives you see the when Henrik cut into his steak, it looked a little too red.  "Henrik, I think you should ask them to cook your steak longer, I know you got rare but I think you should let them take it back." You say with small worry in your voice.

"Oh don't worry sweetheart, I'm sure it's fine!"  The next day, Henrik was sick in bed from eating raw steak. You told him not to do it, but he did it anyway. Oh, how you love your Henrik.

Magic Marvin:

Marvin was working on his fire magic, he hadn't tried it out in months since he pushed it to the side but now he was back and ready to learn how to control it again. And he asked for your help. And by the help, he means standing on the sidelines with a fire extinguisher.

He started to control the fire in his hand but got carried away as he started to spin to amaze you, shooting it out of his palms. But he yelped as it got out of control, setting his cape on fire as well of his shoes.  You quickly spray him down with no hesitation, as the cloud disappeared, there stood Marvin covered in the weird poofy substance of the fire extinguisher. 


Jackie was flying through the city and he happened to spot you with your friends outside at a cafe, he knew you haven't told your friends you were dating the city's superhero so he could surprise you.

He started flying near the ground, just enough for one of your friends to spot him coming over, they gasp and start to squeal as he winks at them, but your friends could tell he was winking at you.  You gasp. "Jackie watch it!-" But it was too late, Jackie hits his face into a pole as he falls over in pain. You quickly went over and kissed his forehead to try and comfort him.


Robbie was cuddling you, it was nighttime and you fell asleep in his arms. Robbie was just staring into the flames as he held you closer, flashbacks running through his head as he lets out a soft whimper, nuzzling into your neck.  You yell in pain as you feel his hands dig into your waist.

"R-Robbie let go of me!" You gasp, making him quickly let go of you out of fear and surprise. Robbie quickly tried to run in case you were angry.  But he ran into a tree instead, falling to the ground with a loud groan, you went over and pulled him into a hug. Giving him many kisses and cuddles that night. 

Jameson Jackson:

Jameson was making himself and you some green tea. It was early morning and instead of coffee, you wanted to try Jameson's tea that he always makes.  Jameson pours the tea into some glasses, but instead of putting in Suger, he accidentally put in salt.

Whoops!  Jameson and you both spit out the tea, quickly drinking down water.  Jameson Quickly started to apologize for his mishap. He was also just half asleep and didn't notice he picked up the salt.

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