You wear something of theirs

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((You're gonna be wearing a lot of masks and hats. That's all I'm gonna say because everyone has either a mask or a hat. Apart from Robbie. He's a special boi.)) 


His old hat.  You were digging in Jack's closet to find one of his hoodies but found his old hat instead. You swear it's been years since he last wore it. So why don't you have it?  You placed it on your head as you observed yourself in the mirror.

"I look good." You say to yourself. Smiling.  "Yeah. You do." Jack's voice said from behind, giving a small snicker as you turn around with a blush.  "God, haven't seen that hat in ages." 


His hoodie.  You had found Anti's hoodie laying on your bed so you put it on. Knowing that it would probably tick him off.  You actually kind of liked it, it smelled like him and you loved it.

But you jumped when you felt his arms around you. Giving a small snicker.  "You look cute in my hoodie love~" He playfully flirts. His head laying on your shoulder. 


His hat.  Chase was asleep and you see his hat on the nightstand next to him. So, like any girlfriend, you took his hat and placed it on your head. Playing on your phone.

You feel him shift. "You look adorable." He mumbled. His arm wrapping around your waist sleepily as he buries his face into your neck.

  Dr. Schneeplestein:

His mask.  Henrik was busy working in his office, finishing up some paperwork as you glance at his hospital clothing. Seeing his mask.  You grab it and place it around your mouth.

Looking at yourself in the mirror thinking of all those anime's you see people wear.  "You look, adorable Sweetheart. But I'm probably gonna have to get a new one since that can spread germs easily." Henrik said. Making you roll your eyes.

Magic Marvin:

His mask.  Marvin was showering, and you lay out some clothing for him. But you stumble upon his mask. You quickly tried it on.

You took some selfies and even put on his cape, twirling around as you begin to say stupid words like 'Abracadabra' and 'Alakazam'.  Marvin clapped for you. Making you jump. "Amazing! Bravo! Encore!" He joked slightly. "You're just like me!"


His mask.  Jackie had fallen asleep on the couch so you covered him up in a blanket. And you gently take off his mask, trying it on yourself.  You wear looking at yourself in your camera and you took a small selfie.

Looking at the result you see Jackie smiling in the background.  "You look just like a superhero Nugget." He compliments. Kissing your cheek with love.


His long-sleeved shirt.  Since Robbie was a zombie, his flesh rots every day. And that means his clothes stink up rather quickly. You had just gotten done cleaning his shirt and you looked over it.  You take off your shirt as you put his on.

It was slightly bigger then you bit you didn't mind. You found it quite comfortable. No wonder Robbie wore it 24/7.  "R-Robbie Says (y/n) looks adorable..." Robbie softly groaned out. Giving you a smile as you look away, embarrassed. 

Jameson Jackson:

His hat.  Jameson was reading silently to himself as you lay on his lap, you had worked all day and you were too tired to go upstairs to bed. Plus you wanted to cuddle Jameson.

You reach up and gently take off his hat and placed it on your head with a sleepy giggle. "Look, Jameson. I'm you." You yawn.  Jameson looked down at you with a smile. Kissing your forehead as you finally fall asleep on him.

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