They do something cute

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Jack was in the living room while you slept, but you woke up to strange noises coming from downstairs. Getting up you slowly made your way down to see Jack setting up the table. He was humming to himself as he placed the food on the plates.  He finally noticed you, he started to blush. "Uh, Hey! You woke up during me setting up your surprise....dinner?" He asked nervously. Rubbing his neck. 


Anti was in the backyard while you were cooking, it as nice and warm outside and you told him to go outside for a bit since it was nice. At first, he didn't like it, but you didn't hear anything from him so you went to check on him.  You see him making flower crowns, one already on his head. This made you awe as you took a picture. Silently, you left him continuing to make flower crowns. 


Chase was singing to himself silently as he sat on the bed playing on his phone, he was waiting for you to get done showering for your date. You were almost done but you hear him sing.  "I would do anything, for you~ Baby you mean everything to me!~" He sings into his phone, rocking to himself silently. 

Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik was slowly painting a picture of you as you sat down on the couch, it's been five minutes already and he said he was done already? How fast is he?  You look at the painting and just see the word: PERFECTION. 

Magic Marvin:

Marvin was just alone in the house, but he forgot that you were home in your basement playing games, as you walked up the stairs you hear him.  "(y/n), I love you so much. I want to say how much you mean to me by....well. I....." Marvin gulped but jumped as you spoke up to ask him what he was doing. 


Jackie was trying to find Sam but found himself flexing in front of the bathroom mirror. Saying how strong he was.  You watch silently with a small smile on your lips. He was such a goofball. But he was your goofball.

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