He loses you

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((At the supermarket! Inspired by LipstickJungle222   Make sure to check out her awesome stories! They're simply amazing for a TF2 fan like me!))


Jack would search everywhere for you. Losing sight of you in minutes since he was looking at some video games to maybe play on his channel. But he started to panic once he couldn't find you.  He started to call your name, making many people give him weird looks. But was finally relieved once he finally found you, clinging to your side like a lost pup. 


Anti wouldn't freak out at first, so? He just lost you for maybe a good few minutes. But will slowly get worried when he can't find you. Making him slightly panic.  He then went to the front and made the cashier called over the intercom for you. Making you slightly embarrassed as you came up to him. Anti holding your hand like a child. 


He was starting to panic. Thinking you're trying to leave him as his last wife did except this time you just wanted to leave him alone. He started to cry at the thought.  But started to sob heavily with joy as he found you, clinging to your body as he told you through sobs how he thought he lost you forever. Getting a lot of stares.

Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik wouldn't mind this, glancing around at all the items on sale, and just enjoying himself alone. Until he got worried a bit. Thinking about how worried you might be that you can't find him.  He then would dash down the rows and rows of various items until he finally found you in the clothing area, looking at a cool t-shirt. Making him very relieved. 

Magic Marvin:

Marvin wouldn't notice at first, glancing at all the delightful foods and sweets he could be having, until he would call out to you. Seeing you not there would make him confused.  He would go row to row calling your name but slowly grows worried. Until he yelled. "RED ROBIN!" Until a few rows down... "YUM!"

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