They have a nightmare

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Jack woke up with a large gasp, looking around the room he was relived once he found he was actually in bed. He glanced over at you with a small smile, he was so glad his nightmare wasn't true.

He lays back down and just stared at the roof.  He soon found himself falling back into slumber. His hand holding onto yours just to make sure he doesn't lose you. 


Anti woke up with a loud scream, waking the both of you up. You tried to keep your eyes open as you asked him what was wrong. He didn't say anything as he just held onto you.

"Oh thank god. I thought I lost you...." He mumbled. Frowning.  He didn't reply to you when you asked what he was talking about, but you two stayed up for a whole hour in each other's arms.  


Chase was in the bathroom splashing water on his face as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had a terrible dream where you left him. It was going fine at first, you two enjoying your lives until the sky turned dark and you began to leave him.

He glanced into the shared bedroom, he knows you're still with him but it still gave him chills. Not wanting to lose another thing he loved in his life.

   Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik had fallen asleep at his desk, he was still at the hospital working overtime to save up some money for you both to go out on a fancy date. But he woke up with a jolt, papers flying everywhere around him as he lets out a sigh.

Working overtime put a toll on him.   He picked up a picture of you that was on the corner of his desk. Smiling a bit, "I was overreacting. Just a few more days love." He hummed, starting to go back to work. 

Magic Marvin:

Marvin was already up, he was still laying in bed but was just playing with his magic now. He made a small rose appear in his hands as he lets out a sigh. He had a dream where he was using his magic and accidentally killed you.

The rose began to die as he kept thinking of the nightmare. But he promised himself he would always protect you. And would never harm you.


Jackie was walking around in the kitchen, Sam following behind him as he tried to ask what was wrong. "Oh Sam, I had a nightmare where I couldn't protect (y/n)! It was awful! I don't know what I'd do with myself if I ever lost her...." He said sadly.

Sam seemed to be saddened by his nightmare, rubbing on his shoulder to try and cheer him up. "L-let just hopes that never happens. Alright?" Jackie said with a weak smile.

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