New character: Jackiboy-man

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Meeting him:

You were walking along the streets of your city, it was night time so no one was really out. You were coming back from late night shopping from Walmart. You didn't bring your car because your home was about two blocks away.

You tried to hurry home, your ice cream melting every second it wasn't in the freezer. And you wanted it to be cold so you could watch your episodes of Dr. Who. But you froze in your tracks as you hear someone behind you.

Looking behind you, two men were following you. Making you quicken your steps until you went into a full out sprint. The two men running after you.   You turn a corner, but just to your luck, it was an alleyway with a dead end.

You turn toward your attackers with your firsts up. You didn't know how to fight, but you were sure as hell gonna try.  But your knees felt weak as you close your eyes tightly in fear. Ready for them to mug you or even try and rape you. But nothing came. All you heard was grunting and some bodies hitting the floor.

You open your eyes to see a man with a red hoodie and jeans and a blue mask covering his identity. He looked at you with a smile. "Are you okay ma'am?" He asked as he helped you up.

"W-wha-" "I saved you, but you should go before they wake up. I'll deal with them, Miss. I'm Jackaboy-man. Here to save yer arse." He joked with a grin.   You thanked him dearly, running off to home. You never even told him your name.

Second Meeting:

The next day, you felt yourself walking down the same street at night. Something in your gut telling you that you should walk here. Maybe you could meet Jackaboy-man again? You never really told him your name.

You stop in front of the alleyway that he saved you in. Your mind telling you not to go. But your heart and feet lead you down the dead end.  You frown as you hear something shift in the trash.   You open the lid to one, backing up in surprise as a floating eyeball came out? It looked around before spotting you.

Making some sort of noise to try and speak with you.   You let out a soft smile at how cute it was wearing the small coat. "Hey, little guy. Are you lost?" You ask as it swirls around you. Making another noise. His little coat too cute for you to handle. "I wonder what your name is...?" You ask yourself.

"His name is Sam, cute isn't he?" A familiar voice said, turning your head you found Jackaboy-man smiling at you.  "Why are you here?" He asked.  "O-Oh! Well, I realized I never gave you my name, so my mind told me to come to the same place you saved me to see you again! But, now I'm hearing myself talk and realize it's stupid...." You mumble. "But, my name is (y/n)!"

He smiled at you. "My name is Jackaboy-man. But you can just call me Jackie for short. That's what a lot of people say to me since my name is a bit too long and kinda confusing. I don't see it though."   You nod to him. "Who's this cute little guy?" You ask, Sam floating over to Jackie making noises. Jackie grinned slightly.

"He's my sidekick, we fight crime together. And our goal is to keep this city safe!" He said, Sam, seeming to cheer as it made you smile.  You can tell you're gonna enjoy his company.

Getting to know him:

Jackie told you all about his stories of beating bad guys. And how the people of the city thanked him, knowing they couldn't do it without him. The police always thanking him for his help.   He also told you about how he met Sam.

Sam was being experimented home by an evil scientist that was going to use Sam to destroy the city. But Jackie came just on time to ruin his plans.   And apparently, Sam really liked him, following him everywhere until Jackie finally desired to make him his rightful sidekick. Together, Jackaboy-man and Sam would save the day! 

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