If you had cancer

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((Warning! Sad!))


Jack would be depressed, not making videos for at least a week. Worrying every moment that you might be taken away from him.  He would start to tear up at the thought.

Mumbling to himself it's going to be okay. But still knowing you're sick.  He would always visit you anytime he could, always bringing gifts to at least make you happy.  He loves you, so much. 


Anti would always be in a bad mood, deep down he's hiding his fears of losing you, not wanting weakness. But deep down he's worried.  He cursed the world for having this deadly disease, taking the only thing he cares most about.

It breaks him slowly every moment you're not with him.  Anti would sit by you, not leaving your side at any cost. Not even leaving to eat.  He didn't want you taken away. 


Chase would quickly turn to drink to wash down the sadness he was feeling. He didn't want to lose you and he just couldn't bear the thought without you.  The only time he was sober was when he visited you.

But you knew he was drinking by his breath and how sleepy he looked all the time.  He would start sobbing and say that he couldn't help it.  He didn't want to live without you. 

Dr. Schneeplestein:

Henrik would be the doctor taking care of you. Making sure it was his goal in life to cure you of this deadly curse.

He would do blood tests almost every week, not sleeping until he knew you were healthy enough to leave the hospital.  He would always say that he would cure you. Every day.  But slowly, he's afraid he's too late.

Magic Marvin:

Marvin wouldn't want to take on any shows for the whole month. He didn't want to ignore you and play his shows. Every amount of money he got he gave it to the hospital.  He kept begging them to work faster, but they kept telling him it takes time. With made him more depressed.

More time? No! He wants his girlfriend now!  He would do small magic tricks for you personally, like pulling flowers from his wrist. As well as making a penny come from your ear.  If he could have any magic. It was to make cancer disappear

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