Mystery man or CIA?

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Hope you are safe at home wearing face masks when it is needed, the person on top looks kind of like Alexander Hale anyways, Hope you enjoy! :)

Location: St. Smithens science club

Time: 400

Date: June 6,2010

Ben's POV

I was startled when there was this adult relaxing on the couch and when I came in he said " I am and former CIA agent, you have been accepted to the CIA and with your advanced skills you have been chosen out of the millions and trillions who want to join". 

I asked " how do I know that  you are an real CIA Agent?". I also said "I can beat you in an fight?", he snorted "yeah, right". I knew that  I could beat him since at age 1 I could beat my whole class consisting of 12- 18 years, at age 3 I could beat my martial arts teacher, at age nine I could kill 100 martial arts masters, and just at age 12 I just beat the highest ranked martial arts master/ teacher. 

So then he had an cocky smile on his face and said "okay lets start now!". I got into my defensive position and he got into an random position that I didn't know about. We circled each other and he thought he found an opening and went for an punch. The punch was so slow as slow as an sloth and when it made contact with my leg I faked fell down made my most hurt face.

He made an confusing face and said "see never mess with an former CIA agent, see now I......". He never got to finish his sentence since I got up punched his belly he doubled over I uppercut him and he fell and took that advantage got onto him and pinned him down and put my fist into the air ready to strike if he didn't surrender. I asked "surrender?", He said"Y-y-y-y-es". 

I released my fist and helped him up, I never seen an man so handsome fight worst than an an maid and an caretaker in our middle school. So I said impatiently" you have anything else to prove that your an CIA agent or I will kick your butt out of my house" I said calmly.

He said worriedly"I am an real CIA agent". I said "do you have an badge or something ", He smiled "yes". He showed me his badge to prove that he is an real CIA agent. So i saw his badge,it was as shiny as gold and it was made from real gold. 

I when on my computer and searched for the website so that it can scan the badge and it will notify me if it is an real one. So I put it on the camera and it scanned and scanned until it found:


Alexander said "ha!', I said "whatever". Alexander said " now I have proved that I am and CIA agent lets start, so when you were young you have been on the CIA website millions times and you have ranked highest in all of the test made for you even thought they looked like video games". " So you have been accepted to the CIA". I gasped and I was screaming with joy. 

But suddenly an car drove into the driveway and it was my mom and dad that just cam back from there work. 

So when my mom came in she blushed a little, and said"who is this?'. So I said " he is Alexander Hale and he is from the CI... an science academy for boy and girls. So then Alexander was talking to my mom about the cover while my mom blushed the whole time.

So I went to my dad's office upstairs and I told him the truth and what i fund out and he said "really!" and occasionally talking to ask questions. So when I finished he said " Ben I am so proud of you!". 

So I went to my room and packed since Alexander told me mom that we will leave immediately and she was dissipated that she couldn't cook me an decent meal of pasta. 

So when I was done packing me cloths and other stuff not including  any and wepond since I can't carry one at my age. So when Alexander came up he said " you ready, and also you have any weponds in your bag?", I said "yeah from aka's to machine  guns" with heavy sarcasm. Alexander said "great!", then I said "I can't carry an gun". he then said" there are more spies in training that know how too shoot an gun". I said" I know how to shoot an gun but can't carry one" he said"Oh, Okay than I will let you borrow and gun with rubber bullets since were on an budget and it is cheaper ", I said " why don't I use an real gun?", he said " I don't trust you yet". 

He said" lets get going!", so I said my good my good byes to my parents and wet on Alexanders SUV, when I went in. I thought that it was going too be filled with weponds and gadgets but it was just an plain car. So i got my gun out just in case and it put back in since there was no danger. 

Just when I was going to sleep three black SUV's planked our sides and and black SUV behind us. They started to rain bullets on us so I ducked and when it scattered Alexander's window and even in this situations he still drove 101 speed under and 120 speed limit. 

Not long after the bullets scattered my window and I got out my gun and amied it at the driver on the left side of us. So after i got an clear shot and shot right through his neck and he doze off with the SUV driving into and river.

When the SUV sunk in the water I turned my attention to the right side of us and when I was about to get an clear shot of the driver I pulled the trigger and shot him right in the chest where the chest plate wasn't at. So that SUV also dove into the water when we were going to cross the bridge I took that advantage and took over the wheel from Alexander and went through Washington's  morning traffic and lost the last SUV. 

When we were at spy school, the guard outside the gate was napping on his binder in front of him. So when Alexander gave him the badge he let us in and we were welcomed by another series of gunshots and i found an sniper and used my M9 pistol and shot him right in the neck just in time but there were more snipers and Alexander was very cool this time. 

He yelled "get in the school", I said "is it more safer in the car?", Alexander said "Who is the agent here?!". So I ran as fast as I could dodging the bullets and when I got in it was a little bit safer. 

But then an he/ she jumped down from the ceiling....................................................

Hope your enjoying so far, please comment and hope you are safe at home!- author 

Word count: 1232

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