the bully world

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Hope you enjoy again and this the point where the dinner started. So "Bye".

Location: Spy school

Date: June 11, 202

Time: 900

Ben's POV 


Then I started off to walk to the cafe of the school, as I started to enter I knew that it was broken- down and old with disgusting foods on the counter.

As I inspected the food I think I saw like an group of cockroaches on the meat and other foods, but not the vegetables infected by the cockroaches. So then started to walk to the counter and ordered a large salad, they gave me the salad and I gave them an twenty dollar bill with an change 30. 25 back.

So I found and table near the back and it was partly empty since part of the table was occupied by Erica, the crowd was too scared to even proceed to walk to her since she can beat you up to pulse but not me.

I waked to "Erica's table" and stopped for an while to let Erica know that I want to sit here but of course her answer was no. I wish she would say yes but no.

I then turned around and walked to the table that my friends that I met today when I beat up the professor. As I sat down Mike dude moved aside closer to Zoe and I sat at the very end of the table.

So I opened my dinner as I was about to finish my dinner I saw this gang come from the door and walking very coolly with hands in there pockets, sunglasses, and and sweatshirt with the hood on.

As they approached the students they moved aside letting the cool dude come through. As they came closer and finding one person but then when they saw who it was they walked towards the aimed person which was me.

As they closed the gap I stood up and looked at them gulping but actually I was not scared at all by the big bullies at all since I beat up one of the teachers and made the firearms teacher look like an chicken by getting beaten by an 12 year old kiddo.

So as they walked closer closing the gap between me and the big bullies they advanced. The big muscular one which I think it was the leader of the bully clan and there was 10 people who were following him.

So then when it was an 2 meters he said "give us your lunch money or else we will beat you to pulse". So I then just simply said "no", the leader said "okay so you want to get killed when all of the bullies pulled out an hunting knife and they said "how about now", I said "no". 

As the water started to boil of an fight the crowd was watching and when I looked at Erica she was still looking at her book of firearms but I knew she was smirking in her mind and watching me".

But when the crowd was cheering for either the bullies or me. An quarter of the people were my side and the other one- third of the people were on the bullies side saying "beat this puny 2 year".

As the cheering was getting louder even the teachers came to see what is going to happen. As the cheering was louder. One of the bullies then got bored and went for the stab to my face with the hunting Knife i didn't even flinch, i then grabbed his wrist pulled it up and went for eye strike and kneaded  him in the shins and then in the chest but then when he was going to finish him, another bully got my wrist and when for the back hand strike, but then I talked him and judo flipped him and went for the eagle strike acing him in the eye. 

But again another went for the stab for the back but then somersaulted and and caught his wrist and pinned him to the table kneading him in the shins and when for the double fist punch on his head but then another bully went for the swing and trying to cut my arm off. But I side- thrust-ed him in the chest caught him and pinned him on wall and went for the crane beak strike into the chin then finished him off with an uppercut with an bloody face along with others I fought. 

I picked the knife held it in front of my face in an ready stance for any more attacks   and finished the bullies on the ground with an strong stab to the legs to dislocate them. I then face the other 6.

As they advanced I did an Kanoball and the first in the front fell with an bloody shoulder. As the other came I got another knife from the bullies. I went for the heart rip to the heart but when I did it I hit them in leg so I wouldn't kill them but get hurt badly.

So as for the next ten minutes I fought all of them at once doing and fury of kicks and punches but also some knife movements. As I walked to the last one he ran away like an simple coward but tackled him and punched him as I nailed him down.

After the fight I looked at my shirt and there were massive amount of blood leaked on my shirt. Then I looked around and found Erica finally looking at me but then when I saw her she looked back to her book.

Right now I am going to write Erica's point of view so if you don't want that then skip to the next chapter.

Erica's POV


As I walked to the counter to get my salad, but when other students get there lunches they will have to pay the price but for me I don't need to carry money due to the fact that i can scare the chiefs and if the salad is bad I will beat them up since they have no places to run.

As i got my food and saw some third year boys sitting at my table I made an cold stare at them and they briskly walked away. 

As I sat down and got my book out of advanced firearms and red it for like an fair half an hour, but then the boy I met when he beat me in an fight. I then felt my face turn hot and blush a little but was covered by the book in front of me.

I was really watching him but pretended to read my book but then when he paid for his food of an salad I thought he was the same as me and vegetarian. But then the part was when the bullies of the school came to him and it was an whole swarm of 10. 

As they walked to the boy or I am pretty sure his name was Ben or something like that. As they walked to him he wasn't scared at all and after I was watching him fight him when his stunning green eyes, black hair, and perfect skin I was dreaming of him and me on and date but then when he looked at me I stared at my book coldly. After an while I say massive amounts of bullies blood on his short.

He then gentleman bowed and when he was about to go the girls were trying to ask him out. Then not long after the bell rang........

And again sorry for the cliffhanger and I will write when goes to others classes in the next chapter.

Word count: 1297

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