the escape plan in action

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Hope you enjoy!

location: ???

time: 300

date: June 16, 2020

Ben's POV


As walking around the room thinking it again and again about the plan, I also added to save Erica and collect folders to defeat SPIDER.  As the time is ticking away in every second.

When I then was the time I though did even the CIA care about me? but this was not the time I had to focus on the present. As I heard and faint footsteps heard from the end of the hall. 

I quickly calculated  how long it would take him to come and how strong the rope needs to be. I then ripped all of the electricity from my room and it was plain dark.

As I then hid in the corner of the room ready for the trap to catch the guard. If he is not caught by the trap then I will beat him. As he opened the door the rope pulled him up and I then just front- kicked the other guard in the head making him go knocked out with the force.

As I then got out of the door locking the guards into the cell that I was in. I took the keys and unlocked the doors to almost all of the prisoners. As they followed me to the water system I told them to wait.

I first walked to the leader's office and then started to pick the lock, as I got in I saw Josh inside so I locked the door and went to one- on- one battle. 

I jumped out freaking Josh out but the walls and doors were soundproof, I then inside Crescent kicked him in the chest he fell back i then pinned him down eagle striking him in the face and blacked out. 

I then though wow that was pretty easy. When I though of it Erica jumped down with Mike. I then went into defence position as that said "we were double agents and now we what to escape since we got important information", I told them I have an escape plan. 

As they followed me I then lead them to the water system. As there was glass i elbowed it was told the people to get out, as almost everyone was out and Erica was climbing out and got safely down the rocks now the whole group was waiting for me to come down and they already knew the plan.

As I was about to crawl out the speakers said "locking mode", as the windows were protected by the barrier from freedom I yell "get out everyone, also Erica..... I really like you even when you kissed Josh on the lips I still liked you and if I don't make it out alive then I want to say .. I love you. 

After that the barriers were soundproof. I knew that i was going to die why don't i send as much information to that CIA on the computer.

I ran to the command  centre and I knew there will be people so I judo flipped the first on on the ground. I then went for the punch to the other guards and in about 30 mins. 

As I got to the big screen I gave an much information to the CIA as possible. In order to send all of the information to the CIA the computer will have to over- heat and explode. I then calculated the force to knock down this building and it was over enough.

My moue my on the button but i didn't ant to press it, but then there was an voice that I knew that was Josh. He said "I knew Erica and Mike weren't loyal to SPIDER so to give them stress I am going to kill you", with the gun barrel pressed on my head and was about to pull the trigger I pressed the mouse.

In an few seconds there was an nuclear bomb, I was then flying through the air and the last thing I saw that Josh got an branch cut through his organs and also with me hitting my head on the forest floor.....

Sorry for the cliffhanger again, but now I am going to write the other people POV now.

Erica's POv


I was collecting important information from SPIDER to defeat them, as night came I was calmly sleeping making sure Josh doesn't get an kiss on me again since I really liked ben when he joined Spy School.

I was dreaming about escaping that day when I was in my prison cell, as i went to Mikes room to tell him something I kind of liked him when we were on an mission to capture Jenny, as the bomb was about to explode I went for the kiss and after nothing happened meaning I had to tell him that I kid of liked him but when Ben came I had no choice but to pick one and if not Josh is also in there too.

Well enough of the relationship with other people worry about escaping the SPIDER base, I was about to let ben free but we met him on the way. He then got into an defence position while I explained what happened.

As we got to the water system of SPIDER we were all out on the cold rock waiting for ben but when the locking system has been activated he said an few word and memorial words to me when the door closed i waited there, when I was an meter away there was an loud bang with the building exploded I said ya we stopped SPIDER mission complete.

i was sad that I think ben had exploded it an 0.00000000000000000000001% chance that he got out. I swam further thinking ben was the second person to break my heart. As I then got to Spy school i went to my room only drank tea with salad an total iciness. 

Hope you enjoy

Cyrus POV


As I saw the gang come through the doors I saw my daughter and she told me the plans and also what had happened when they were with Ben, as I though of ben he was very brave but i told Erica coldly "you are to stay icy for the rest of your life.

As I then heard of the news I was in my bed thinking of Ben that he could have been an good kid for me to take care. 

But with Ben gone I then had to care about the future................

Mike's POV


I was on this mission with ben and when the building explode i was crying i lost my best friend from the first day of Spy school and could have been an good spy agent.

As I walked to Spy School, I liked Zoe but she was in the dark side an died of the building exploding. As I then liked Erica second I went to her room knocking on the door with Erica looking around and pulled me in. 

I said "well you lost ben and he is your second crush I was wondering if your sad", she said "I am sad Mike" she said coldly, as I told her that she is not alone and if your wondering if I like you I do", as we moved closer when I could smell Erica's minty breath I was wondering if my breath smelled like.

As then we got closer our lips touch for 10 seconds more than what happened when we were going to die. I asked her if she liked me , and she said "alittle".

When I then got of the room and walked to my room, lying on my bed thinking bye Ben Erica's mine and sorry for your sacrifice I really though you were brave. But when I then git Erica from Ben I didn't care about it anymore since Erica actually said "i like you a little"...

Sorry for the Merica I really didn't what it but I had to write it to make it interesting and please don't kill me! Also the good news is there is more Berica from this chapter on. Well "Bye then".

Word count: 1370

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