A battle between the teacher kid

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Hi, in this is just an continuance of the last chapter, so thanks for the support from my readers. and hope your wearing an mask for the new COVID-19 virus, well "Bye".

Location: Spy school

Date : June 10, 2020


Ben's POV


 I was starting to walk to my way to my second class which was advanced weaponry, but when i was going to I found Erica walking to me. 

I said nicely 'Hi", she said coldly "you better not tell anyone what happened in the bathroom and also don't tell them you beat me, or I will personally find you and kill you, got it", I said scared "Okay".

She then left, so i walked to my class and act like I am an noobie. So I went to the seat at the front since everyone was crowded at the back and I sat right between the boy and girl i met early this day.

So when the teacher started talking the students stopped chattering. So he said "Good morning class i am Mr rattle and the new student can call me Mr. R and let the new kid introduce himself", so I stood up and  said "I live in Washington DC, I am very talented,...".

The teacher cut me off and said"yeah sure, I could aim better than him anytime", I said "I accept your challenge and lets see who is better". I knew my teacher would lose since i could shoot 50 bulls eye  and at age 9 I could shot all of the types of firearms, then at age 10 I could be an master at firearms.

So the teacher said "if you beat me i will kick you up to third year and if you lose you get kicked down to first year, you got it", I said "Okay" frightened but actually i wasn't scared at all. 

When i was walking to the range one kid told me he once beat the head of the CIA", and the best shooter at this school. I then made the face of an scared child but personally I was not scared at all. The teacher was making this very happy face that he told me that he beat the head of the CIA once.

So he went to the shed and got an slandered M9 pistol, so he said" start". We then started to shot our dummies and he reloaded 10 seconds slower than me as the time was running out I then shot my best. As the clock turned to zero. 

We stopped and looked at our dummies and I got 999/ 1000 of my shots were hit was an bulls eye and my teacher got 50/ 100 of his sots were in as an bulls eye.

So then he got embarrassed  and said " I didn't get much sleep, food, water so i don't feel good today", i said "whatever, and also you have to kick me up to third year in firearms.

So then came the subject how to make bombs out of janitors supplies, etr. When i was done them then came dinner the last thing on the list for to day. 

Sorry this was an short chapter I will write the dinner part in the next chapter, I hope your enjoying so far.

Word count: 546

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