Beautiful girl

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Hope you enjoy just and nothing much too say except hope your safe and wearing your face masks. "Bye"

Date: July 6,2020

Location: Spy school

Time: 900

Ben's POV


As I was walking into his broken down building as I was inside it was like 0.0000001 safer than out side but I was wrong again due to the fact that an girl/ boy jumped on me.

As he/ she did I immediately knew that it was an girl because of the girly features, i then got into an defensive position as she came down with an kick I caught her leg flipped her over she then she somersaulted on the ground and got up as she got up I roundhouse kick her and nailed her on the chin.

She again got up and she was going to fake punch my side i didn't move and got kicked in the shins grunting and elbowed her and also kneaded right in the stomach she fell to the floor and she fell to the ground. I then took that opportunity and jumped on her nailing her down and said coldly "Who are you", I then ripped her mask off and found the most beautiful girl i every met making Elizabeth look like an garbage can, she is 10x hotter and prettier than any girl I met. 

I then said "Who are you" very coldly. She said coldly "4 year at this school, the best student here". So then I pulled her up and I blushed a little, her touch was burning on my skin and I think I found the right girl for me.

She then said coldly"lets move we have to go to the principles office to get the device to send waves so that the central CIA will pick up and will be rescued".So when she ran I followed her, when we were about to open the doors of the library to go up the stairway and then go up to the office. 

So then  was entered by and rain of fire , I tried to find the snipers in the library but it was dark and hard to see but with an long time I found one on the roof of the library. As locked my target it also found me, I then pulled the trigger and bang the bullet overwhelmed the nerve system meaning tasered temperately.

Erica said coldly"Nice", I replied "Thanks" and she turned cold again just like me, So I ran a break necking speeds and went up the stairs with Erica following. There was 100 commandos with armour or from head toes with Kevlar vests as then closed the gap I jumped up side- kicked the first commando on the head and kneaded  him in the chest passing out and front kicked the other commando as he circled me and punched him in the side threw him on the crowd of commandos and when they were knocked back I punched them and threw an kick at them all. So as the other commandos were closing I punched, kicked, threw, kneaded, elbowed. The last one ran like an coward since because of the beaten up commandos and I wouldn't blame him since they have nasty shots, I tacked him and round- house kicked him making him black out.

So when I looked at Erica and how beautiful  she looked when she fights but I think she had problems with the midget that was fighting her and he was too short so she couldn't land any shots on him so I them helped her and punched the midget in head and dropped to the floor and I elbowed him in the face and lets say it was nasty.

Erica then said coldly "thanks" smiling for an millisecond, but then turning cold again. So them she said coldly "I need to go too check on the trapped students" and she than left. So I found the office door and there was an lock and the door was so thick with an strong material. So I picked it and in  seconds picked it the first very thick layer moved and it was the second wall, it appeared to be an password on the machine appearing  to type the password. There was an spare taser so I didn't think and put it in the machine the machine cracked buzzing  the last think on what I saw when the lights closed is when the second door close. 

In the faint distance I could hear foot steps as they were closing up I jumped up and punched my hardest to the thing I was making contact with. As the lights flickered open I say so much people and was going to punch the first person in the front of the group bur stopped when he said" I am principle sidebottem". 

The person I thought was the CIA director said" well done, it was an test and you ased all of the subjects so an A+++ for highest mark even higher than Erica, there was an mom in the corner or what I thought of Erica's mom and she said "oooo and competition is getting boiling hot!", Erica grumbled. 

But then said "if it was an test then why did agent Alexander hale in the car chase get so freaked out that he was going to pee in his pants?", Erica smirked and every one was surprised but then Alexander answer" I was simple trying to get into and realist chase" turning as red as as an tomato. 

The director said" okay, class starts tomorrow morning at 600 am and also dismissed everyone". So then when was in the hallway to go to my room and forgot I didn't have an room and looked stubborn. 

I had no choice but to sleep on the hallways floor as I was going to put an blanket and got my things I was about to sleep but then Erica entered and she was getting out of her room when I saw her face she was 10X hotter and prettier than when we last fought against each other. 

So she said coldly"what are you doing sleeping in the hallways", I replied "I don't know where my room", she said" it is right beside my room.... and you can pack in there and sleep so come on" she said coldly and gathered my stuff then Erica led the way to my dorm.

So them when she opened the door I unpacked and was about to sleep and Erica was going to go out the door and she said coldly"you will need alot of rest Ben", i said" okay" and Erica was staring at me with the icy stare and left.

When the door closed I fell asleep thinking in my head I liked Erica does she like me even with the coldness?.............................................

Hope you really enjoyed this I will be posting almost every week, like and comment "bye".-author 

Word count: 1157

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