Ben and Erica's fight

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This fight is going to be different from the first chapter and it is going to be more action than the first fight, you like action than read this chapter.  I hope you are safe at home and following COVID-19 rules. "Bye".

location: spy school

Date: June 8, 2020


Eric's POV


I woke up half an hour earlier than my alarm clock, I started to get an cool shower and then went to the principals office or more like an closet that stores chemicals for janitors.

So I went through the the usual test to touch everywhere so that you aren't hiding anything, but the guards let me in since they are partly scared of me an partly there is an important message for me.

So I walked in very coldly, but every time I go here the principle  always looks at me like I am an model. So this time he said "you have an important mission, so here is your folder for you fight", Catherine (Erica's mom)"dear, hope you win", i growled "I always win".

I took the folder and when I was in position he ran in looking clueless, so I looked at the best place to come down and fight him and it was his back.

So I then jumped and nailed him in the back pushing him to the ground but he got up in and swift movement, so then went for an punch to the jaw but he side- stepped missing the shot. He then went for the punch to the ribs but missed due to the fact that i ducked. I then went for the roundhouse kick wanting to mail him in the stomach but then he caught my leg and flipped me over. But i got up. We then circled each other and i did an fury of kicks and punches that would have made an black belt cry. he did an fake punch to the head and wanted to uppercut me in the jaw but dodged and punched him in the ribs. he then sent an fury of punches and kicks to the whole body and then i was caught off guard and got swept off of my feet to the ground and this time I couldn't get on my feet anymore since he then jumped on me and then I was pinned down. he then said "what is your name", I identified myself.

Then i lead him to the library, then told him the way to get to the CIA office of the principle and told him that there was an device that will send waves that the CIA can receive. Then the CIA will send forces to attack them.

So I left and used another way and when I got half- way already the lights flickered out and I thought that there was an real Spider attack, but then not long after the lights turned on again I was cool.

Then when I got in Ben was already there and the chairman on the ground unconscious since i think Ben beat him up.

When the CIA said about my name I stepped out of the shadows and Ben screamed with fright, but noticed it was me so he stopped. 

Time skip 

As I done and walking to my dorm, I say ben sleeping on the floor with an sleeping bag. I then asked coldly" what are you doing!", he explained and i showed him his dorm which is 5 floors above my room. So then thought in my head wow, he is so handsome and tall and I kind of have like some attraction to them and can beat me in an fight, and not to mention he is super hot and handsome. 

I then those thoughts out of my brain and showed him his room, when he was about to sleep I said coldly" your going to need that energy when tomorrow"  and he said really cute"okay" , and closed the door and walked to my room got an shower and did my steps before I sleep.

When my head touched the pillow I was sound asleep thinking about Ben if he even liked me with the iciness in my feelings.....................................

Well it the end and yeah it was pretty short but I promise it will be longer next chapter and thanks for the nice comments but you can really just say anything you want but not and swears words. well "Bye" now.

Word count: 750 words

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