The escape plan

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Hope you enjoy 

location: ???

time: 300

date: June 15, 20202

Ben's POV


I woke up with an back pain, I then tried to comfort it will massaging it i relied that my hands were tighten together. I looked around and found that I was stripped with Erica sitting on an chair beside me sleeping or what I think she was sleeping.

So then I tried to get out of the ropes, but an voice spoke behind me and I knew that it was Josh. As I again tried to get out he walked in front of me waking Erica up. He then said " you try to get out again you will get punched".

I then still was trying to get out, then Josh when for the punch and my nose was bloody, as the blood was spewing out like Niagara falls". As I tried for 20 tries I got 100 nasty shots from Josh.

As Josh said "this is boring lets get him fuming first", he walked up to Erica and said "darling, you want an afternoon kiss", I thought she was going to say no but it was the opposite.

They leaned in for an kiss and there lips touch for like and fair 5 seconds, I really wasn't mad since I really don't care who Erica likes but I just hope it's me.

Then after 100 kisses I still wasn't mad and Josh was the one mad, he got an flamethrower and an knife he then burned the knife until it was bright- orange. 

He walked over to me and said "you will have to tell us all of the files the CIA owns and also you have to be in the video we are screening today", I said "no", Josh smirked "okay then".

He then cut the knife every single place of my body with burning hot knife. Well I could handle it. I then blacked out because of how much blood I lost in 2 hours. 

I woke up finding that I was going to be torched again, I then got ready. As everyday passed they put me put me into this room with an rigged bed and I have really just an underwear with guards around 24/ 7. 

I then kept on saying no, when he then got bored he said "why don't we kill him and take him to the video showing that ben is dead". Everyone agreed ed so tomorrow I was going to be killed.

I went to my bunker thinking about how to escape from this "jail". I never found out an plan but build part of it, as the plan was to knock the guard unconscious when he comes to get me. 

I then go run through the mazes of doors and hallways to the water system connecting to the river so then i dive into the water swimming to civilisation beside the river.

I thought of that plan even when I was sleeping, as the end of my life was coming closer every second that was wasted. Overnight I though of it and I agreed with it so I will carry the plan out the next day.

As the morning came I had my plan in motion when the guard was coming closer to my cell..................................

Sorry for the cliffhanger again, well hope you enjoyed now I am going to write what is happening at the St. Smithens science or "Spy school".

Cyrus POV


As i was doing my work planing out the next mission to defeat SPIDER and little did I know that the mission was early.

As my overnight guard came to me and said with plain face "Ben has found out that Erica has been missing and suspected that Erica turned to the bad side", I was going explode when Ben said that Erica has joined the dark side. 

But also there was an force that Ben was true but I think he is 100% wrong. As I then walked to the office with my guards right beside me protecting but really i don't need protection.

As I got to the office and found Ben I talked to him about what had happened I went to her room and yeah now I believe Ben that Erica is on the bad side.

i then asked the other spies to investigate this room, as I told everyone about the plan and really everyone agreed that we should put it that way an ben the lead spy. 

The plan goal was to defeat SPIDER and also bring Erica alive back and let me ask her questions about SPIDER, also she is going to be held in jail for 10 years for betrayal of the family and CIA. We then all left even Alexander left with only me and the principle and he asked "why don't I go on mission and save Erica and also kissing her", i was fuming "you marrying my daughter I would rather have ben", He was still talking freely thinking I won't hurt him but I will when he talks one more word.

When he kept on talking an ignored my warnings I then crescent kicked him back and throwing an coffee mug at him making his face bloody. he then surrendered leaving with myself leaving with me still studying.

As I gathered another meeting they again agreed we then I assigned most of the agents to see hoe ben is doing and another party of spy that if ben is lost we are done for and they are going to save him.

As I then got into the car looking at Ben when he is sleeping i thought ben could be an good son bu acted coldly, while also thinking about if he needed an gun so i gave an plastic gun just in case he shoots my daughter.

As I woke him up and said "good luck kid", with that I left. I then waited until the next day when I got an message that ben is in distress. I told the party to find him and bring him back.

As I again waited for an week only an hand full of the spy's were alive while I sent like about 50 of them. As all of them looked boned I told them to get a little bit of fats and also what happened as one told me what happened i told them to leave.

I then don't have an party to save him, but I hope he gets out alive................

Hope your liking it so far!

Mike's POV


I was playing ultimate Frisbee  with Zoe who I really really liked when we met, when she walked up to me and said "don't tell this to anyone I am part of SPIDER and asking if you want to join?, I wanted to say no but there was the urge to say yes I then sad yes.

She told me the plan, as I made an common excuse for not being at class as we took that time to crawl over the wall and got on an plane going to ?? since she still didn't tell me.

As we got from the plane to an car that had everything from guns to chips inside, as I entered the SPIDER main HQ I then walked in with the concrete doors closing. As I looked around it was like paradise.

When Zoe then got me an room it was way better than spy school's, Zoe then said "go to the main meeting room at 530 to listen to the plan.

I got comfort from my bed thinking should I been an double agent for the CIA? I really wanted so I was going to leak information to the head of the CIA.

I went to the meeting listening to the plan and wanted to send it to the CIA but no connection so I will have to wait to get the information to them, I looked around an saw Erica in the meeting too!

I was surprised that Erica Hale was there that turned to the bad side, as the meeting ended. Erica walked to me an felt my face go hot (yeah it is going to be an contest with Ben and Mike)and blush a little. While Erica was also blushing a little.

She said she was an double agent and I said i was also an double agent so let work it out an leak some information to the CIA and when Erica left.

I then though of the plan again killing my best friend? well to gain trust I got to do it. As night fall came I though about the mission and also the competition for Erica is it me or is it Ben? As the though it still hanging in the air unanswered I was already in deep sleep.........

Well isn't it an good cliffhanger, but hope your safe an wearing your face mask also hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1495

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