the comeback

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Hope you enjoy!

location: ???

Time: 300

date: June 16, 2020

Ben's POV


As I then looked around I wasn't dead, as I tries to get up I couldn't get up since there was an large bolder on top of me and I was loosing alot of blood at the moment. I got an stick made an tend format then used an stick and flipped it over.

As I then got up I felt like my back was rubber, I gaped as I stood up i got an stick to support me as I heard an voice that was Murry Hills that he were trying to capture for an an lifetime and this was my chance.

I then told Murry what he wants and told me to kill you holding an pistil pointing at me. i told him I thought you were part of the CIA, ho told me what happened an I couldn't blame him. 

He then shot with me steeping aside before he even pulled the trigger. I then ignored the pain I went for the cresent kick and then got knocked back I held the gun straight into his head and told him he is under arrest.

As he stood up he was infront and I was in the back, we walked to an road with an car stopping and told me he is not part of SPIDER and is an retired FBI agent. As I then got into the car with Murray stuffed in the back as the people took off the ask and they were my... parents.

As they told me things I told them what happened and told me to go home get showered an cooled until I put you back to spy school.

As my mom was super happy she kissed me like 200000000000000000000000 times in one minute as I then slept waiting for home.

As I opened my eyes we were there, as I then walked in with Murray still in the car and my dad driving him to Spy school. As again opened the door and I saw a dog barking at me I held my pistil about to shoot when my mom said we bought an new dog.

I then played with it for an while until I got cooled and got my food i was ready to go.

***** time skip*****

I then got to the door of Spy school welcomed with an party and the the speakers said "dance tomorrow bring your crush to rock and roll".  I looked around for Erica but I guess she was snogging with Mike.

i walked over an Erica stopped the snogging and ran to me with full might, she then kissed me like 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 time more than Mike. Mike then got Jealous and said "boy for Erica lets fight", I said "I don't want this but if you want it then lets go".

As I then walked forwards and the class went for cheering me or Mike. He went for the liver punch, I defected it and round- house kicked him in the chin knocking him back while nailed him down with my knees I went for the punch when he got blacked out and i walked away with Erica saying "will you dance with me tomorrow", I said "Okay". 

I then brushed my teeth and lying on my bed thinking the future life of me and Erica.....

Hope your enjoying!

Cyrus POV


I then got an message that Murray is for questioning from Ben, I then though ben survived the damage. i then went for the punch to Murray and he told us important information. 

As I then saw Ben in the window I told the idiot to speech, as then I saw some drama down there but then quiet out, i then waited in my bed thinking about the what will happen tomorrow.

Mike's POV


I snogging with Erica when ben came an beat me out taking Erica with her on the dance.

Hope you enjoyed! 

Word count: 649 words

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