another Spy day

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Hi in this chapter there will be an day at spy school or the cover St. Smithens Science school and an shout to Scirarocks for the nice comments to support me and hope your safe, and also and shout out to JuditFrankovic for the all of the votes. Also thanks to all of my readers, it means a lot to me.(sorry for the emotions). So hope you enjoy.

location: Spy school

Date: June 9, 2020

time: 4:00 am

Ben's POV 


I started to roll my way out off my bed when I heard my alarm clock I then remember that I was at Spy school and not at my farm, so at home my bed was big and comfortable but here at spy school it is small and the comfort is like you sleeping on an jagged rock.

So I got out of my rock- hard bed and gathered my things  for an morning wake up, but I also thought my farm I at least had an nice bathroom but now I am here an everything changes for me. 

For second years they don't get an good room with clean and stainless only the big 4 years do for example like Erica. So i walked out into the bathroom and I closed the door and brushed my teeth so now all I need to do is change my clothes and when I have nothing on the door creak a bit open and through the door was Erica?

Why was she here? Noooooooo! I went to the wrong bathroom, the CIA have enough money to even paint the girls and boys bathroom.

But back to the present so then when the door was going to open fully I jumped into the stinky vents full of skunk bombs or girl "things". So I changed in there and when I looked down Erica was changing so I waited and when the door closed I jumped down. 

I landed with an loud "bang", Erica then said coldly"who is there?", I then changed my voice to an girl voice an said" I am an third year and my name is ..... Bob Bobby, Erica stopped "and said"okay" coldly.

When the door closed I opened the door standing surprised that Erica was glaring at me. I then quickly closed the door but then Erica just broke the door down and said coldly"what you are you doing in the girls bathroom?', I said" I just ran into the girls washroom by accident and when you came in I jumped into the vents and when you were in here you..... took off your shirt and still had the bra on but that is when i saw in the vents", But when Erica heard this she was bright red. 

 I then said"Umm, no need to be embarrassed I..... really like yo....I really like to care about friends. So then she left really quickly without another word. 

So I left and put my this back to where it was, I then locked the door and slowly walked to my first class self- preservation, as I walked to class I entered my class and walked to the very back where Erica sat at, and I then sat right next to her and got my notebook out for some notes that I don't know about and I brought an folder.

But the second i sat down right next to Erica she still had an tingle of red on her face, and the class said "oooooooooooooooooo" with annoyance, and when Erica gave them the icy glare they stopped.

When Mr Candal started to talk "Okay, today is competition day to see how the class ranks but most importantly what place the new kid is ranked", everyone snickered about me. 

But when Erica gave them the icy glare again they shut there wind- pipes, so Mr Crandal said "for the new student yo can call me minister C, and tell us where you live", I said"Washington DC".

He than revised about the battle stances and other hand- to- hand combat thing i already know. 

When he finished he then said who plays who when he got to my name i was playing Jack also he said just make them unconscious  and not killing them. 

As my battle came one- third of the class watching since i think Jack is really good because the crowd all wants him to win except for this cute girl with big green eyes like me, and also beside her was this boy and he was kind of handsome, and last of all Erica was looking at her book but I am pretty sure that she was looking at our battle.

As it was going to start Jack cam to me and said " lets even things out and look at who is boss here", as the battle started we circled each other we battled and went for the kick but elbowed it making it no damage and I round house kicked him in the shins making his face go red.

But then he sent an fury of kicks and punches, but I dogged most of them and i sent my fury of kicks and punches that would make an black belt cry but no matter how much he dogged it wasn't enough so he got an broken rid cage, 10 broken bones, 30 sprains, 100 more nasty shots. So at the end I got on top of him and he naturally  surrendered waving the white flag. 

But I got an few scars because when Jack was losing the crowd went too far and jumped in to fight me but beat them all in 1 min. 

So i got an few scars on me elbow and my face but i was fine, I went into the next battle. 

I was versing  Ron(Harry Potter again!), this time my opponent was so freaked out an scared that he was going to pee inside his pants, so walked to him and then comfort him but then he punched me in the ribs and heard an crack that scared is an cover. 

So I then went for the uppercut, but he ducked. SO went for the side- thrust and he then caught it but then I went for an chambered punch aiming for the stomach, he doubled over but then got up and then I cross punched him in the jaw making him fall and jabbed him in the neck. I then again got on top of him and won again.

Mr Candal then told me to fight Harry, Robert, Hanson, Jason, Mason, etr. So then not long after I beat them all up and went to the fight Erica for the semi- finals, so we circled each other and I went for the round- house kick but then she got under and flipped me over but I got up I then again went for an back fist to the face and Erica had a bloody nose and an black eye. But then I got nailed in the jaw and I back- flipped. I then went for an side- thrust to the ribs and heard an crack from Erica then jabbed her in the neck making here fall and kept on backstabbing her with my fist and not long before she surrendered.

I then went to the finals when I beat Mr. Crandal, So I circle him and both circle each other I went for the front- thrust and he kind of got knocked back because of my broken rib cage and and broken leg bone. So i then crossed punched and he caught my fist and punched my in the ribs and i broke 2 bones. So I hammer fist him in the head going down but then got up again I then leopard blow him in the ribs but got up again and I Haymakered him in the stomach and then hooked him knuckled sandwiched  him, drooped boxed him, I then shovel hooked him then uppercuted him , upset punched him, I then casting punched him, superman punched him, and sucker plucked him and jabbed him for an good measure and went down. I was the winner.

When again I saw the handsome boy and the sea green girl then introduced them self while Mr Candel went to the nearest hospital. One of my friends was Mike and the Other was Zoe. 

Then went to my next class advanced weaponry but I remember Mr Crandal saying I will be moved to third year in self- perseverance, but on the way Erica wanted to talk to me private about..........................................

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I am going to write advanced weaponry in the next chapter, well "BYE".

Word count: 1440

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