Mission Impossible

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I hope you again

location: Spy school

date: June 13, 2020

time: 300

Ben's POV


I then got my items to find Zoe since she was acting strange and I didn't even kiss her even of Zoe wanted to kiss me so I was going to tell her that I didn't really like her.

I crawled and leap from the ground gabbing an pipe and monkey baring through the hallway and eventually I fond Zoe looking around if anyone is there and as she opened the door I jumped down.

I then slowly walked into the room of Zoe's and climbed in the shadows, I was about to tell her when she was at her desk but then she called someone on the phone and I copied all of the conversation in my phone.

I am pretty sure that it was Erica on the other end of the phone, they were chatting about you make an idea that will make you drop out from the school and go to this area to destroy someone's parents and I will give Ben back to you and answer in 24 hours. 

I though it was Mike's parents but when Zoe opened an folder classifying my parents information and took close up photos, I read it from my phone and it said Julia is an top spy in MI6 and my dad works for the CIA.

Wow, my mom is good at not showing that she was an industry worker and an top spy. I then cried a little when I heard this, my first day of school friend I made is teaming with Mike and getting ride of my parents.

But then I had to leave or else Zoe will know that I had known this information. I used the window to get out but it was locked firmly.

Then Zoe spoke "I knew you entered my room and you have important information do you want to join Spider if not than good luck to you than and say your goodbyes", I said "well I will flatten you in seconds", she smirked "yeah right, and lets start".

We both circled each other she went for the punch to the ribs but blocked it and judo flipped her over my shoulder with no mercy and heard an loud "crack!". She was down and couldn't get up I took that time and nailed her down punching her to the face until she blacked out and after she blacked out her face as so bloody.

I then took the keys from her pockets took the important folders which was actually very heavy, I then closed the lights and ran away quickly to my room and thought about who to give the information to, the first person that came to my mind was Erica she was the second best fighter.

I then slept for an while until 7 o'clock and left to her room and knocked no answer i knocked again and no answer so I twisted the door handle and it was open with an open window with some blood on the ground I then got parleyed and went for help.......

Erica's POV


As I was doing my advanced- firearms after I got an shower and was already in my PJ's, I was thinking if the school was actually from SPIDER and par of my brain was thinking about Ben if he even liked me.

Half- of my brain was thinking about Ben and the other half- about the school the CIA newly built. But over time i thought about Ben if he liked me, but then when I was going to drift off to sleep an person jumped on me pinning me down.

As the person opened the lights it was Joshua that betrayed me and the CIA, then he dove in for the kiss to my lips and I couldn't move but at that moment I could smell his sweet smell of flowers .

When I asked him for Prom and when it was done I kissed him on the cheek and ran away embarrassed to my room and that was the last time I saw him until he went to the bad side and I remember it like it was like yesterday.

But now he was here an I still liked him a little but when he touched my lips it was soft and sweet and he told me to make up for the betrayed, i was now a little bit more liked him and offered my to go to SPIDER and kill Ben's Parents, he will be my boyfriend.

I really wanted it to be the old times but it was Ben's I was about to say no but he added he was going to my boyfriend I then I didn't care about ben and said "YES!".

As the phone rang it was Zoe and she said "so you agreed", I said" yeah", she said "Okay, I will tell you about the mission and if you complete it you will get also money", I said "Okay", Zoe revised about the mission and get good sleep", as she didn't end the call but heard some cry over the phone and then Zoe said "listen to me beat Ben up".

I heard an thump and and crack the an backfisted her in the face and I heard keys and the door open with an follow of some footsteps and the door closed, I though it was Ben who died so I was thinking about him but my other side of my brain said you have Joshua that is going to be your boyfriend after the mission.

Me and my future- boyfriend flew to the airport and we got an comfy plane, as I got in and got an room to myself I slept thinking of Ben and Joshua..........

Oh, this relation is going to be short so don't complain. Hope you enjoyed

Word count: 984 words

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