Chapter #12 A Shot of Freedom

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"See Ivanov, you have showed great dedication to the cause." Vlad said and honestly I felt really good, I'm finally going to leave the Penal Squad and finally join the Adventurers Corps of the USRR and explore the wild wasteland.

Then while I was standing in the middle of the court room two royal guards approached me from behind. I looked at them.. They just kept this tiger look and just pulled me out of the room, I was lead inside what appears to be the office of the leader himself, Vadislav's office was gigantic some much books left and right, And he was standing there behind his desk. I stood there with a mixture of fear and curiosity

"But...You have one last task ahead of you." I then looked at him I was met with serious eyes "You have saved my Daughter from those Religious lunatics so I give you the task of protecting her."

I then pointed at myself I was confused "Why me sir?" I asked, I'm a Penal squad soldier I'm basically a criminal!!

"Simple, Do you want to leave the Penal squad?"

I nodded and cleared my throat.

"Then prove yourself."

I then gave him a salute and shouted "Sir thank you sir!!!" My chest ached a bit but I was so happy!!!

I left the citadel with a massive grin on my face. Natalia was in the car waiting and then she said "Danielle how did it go? by the looks of that massive grin of yours it went well right?"

I nodded. She then said "My father told this to me in advance so I already know about that. I wanted to keep it a tiny surprise."

I sighed and chuckled a bit classic Natalia.

She then tossed me a tiny sack. I caught it in mid air and I opened the sack and I saw an assortment of Stamps and Pre-War bullets. Why bullets? well...Bullets made before the Nuclear war are rare and are like carrying a gold bar its another form of currency well its popular to traders because of its stable price. The bullet to stamp ratio is 1 bullet is to 90 stamps.

My eyes widen as I was graced by such amount of riches. I looked at her with shock and awe...I'm just speechless how can she give me something like this as a gift?!

She then said "Go shopping or something Ivanov. Come back to the citadel around sun fall alright?"

"Y-Yeah..Thanks by the way." I said and scratched my head and bow down in shame.

She then smiled and told me "Take care Danielle, I look forward going with you exploring...Like being with your Father Adrian Ivanov."

She then drove off. At full speed kicking up allot of dust in the way.

I went down at the dirt road. While walking I remembered the times I spent with my old Squad. I miss them and I wish them the best, Sokolov would be mad since I joined the USRR..

I then got into the USRR capital. It was no different from Spiker it was buzzing around with people and animals.

Left and right you would see people selling Cheap Vodka, Mutant hide, Guns and miscellaneous crap.

You would see travelers getting in and out of trading zones and red light districts. I'm new here so I better learn this place so the next time I come back I know this location.

While walking I saw a Mutated man he was a beggar. He was frail and weak he looked like a leaper on steroids and was in ragged clothing he was sleeping I think but his tin can was laid at the side asking for money. I felt pity and gave him a few stamps.

"Why are you giving him money?" A Shop keeper asked. I felt offended by his question and I replied "Don't you see this man as your fellow man in need?!"

He initiates the face palm move and said "The man is already dead."

I was surprised. He then explained "He just died 2 hours ago. No one noticed until he started to smell bad but since he was a Waste-Folk no one wanted to touch him."

I took back my Stamps and went away without uttering a single word.

I was also quite hungry. While walking I saw a small eatery called 'The last stand.' I checked and there were allot of people.

I then sat on an empty table, I then asked for cheap food since I did not want to spend to much. It was just a plain back rib of a mutant goat with some carrots and potatoes.

"Oy! You!!!" That voice sounded familiar....

I turned behind me and I saw Abramovich the same guy who just left the hospital. He was the former Penal squad soldier.

I stood up and salute, He ordered me to drop the salute and carry on. He sat at the opposite side of the table with a Vodka in hand.

"Whew...I never knew I would see you here of all places." He said and honestly even if the table was quite big his breathe was so strong it smells like pure Vodka.

Honestly I have no idea...What kind of liver does he have?

He then said "Well, This place has many memories for me...My squad and I frequented this place often getting drunk."

He then pass me a bottle of cheap mushroom vodka. I declined.

"Come on my friend sip and it will make you feel better."

I sighed and I said "Only once ok!"

I took my first shot. And my throat felt like it was set on fire by a Molotov cocktail, After the flame died down I felt numb and this uhh...Like tingy feeling inside of me.

I then said "Ok that's enough!"

He then said "Danielle I was also assigned to guard Natalia so we will be working together soon."

"What? Really?"

"Yep. I was hand picked by the leader himself."

He then stood up and then said "Danielle...Be careful out there." He left the place and went outside.

I then finished eating and went at the market. I needed new clothes I bought new Socks,Jackets,Shoes and Pants.

I also went window shopping for guns but in order to get there I needed to pass through the Red light district.

The place had a bad vibe. The Red light district is where many Bandits hang around to make shady deals. Women and very big guns are being sold.

Then a woman in a very revealing outfit blocked my path and asked "Hey there do you want to take me to your place?"

"Fuck this place Danielle. Just turn around I don't want to get HIV!!" So I just left the place. Forget about the weapon upgrades I just want to go back.

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