Chapter #9 347th Mechanized Division

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Since it was a Mechanized division we rode a BMP-2 APC (Armored Personal Carriers).None of us know how to drive this thing. But Nikolai being a Sniper,Engineer and Vehice repair he volunter to be our driver.

"Alright guys i was told we are going to leave 12:00 at the night so better use our remaining time to organize our things pack up on Food,Water,Ammo, and personal necessities." Nikolai told us

I then pack up my bags we placed it under our seats.

"All right we will be accompanied by T-72's,Technicals (Trucks with machine guns at the back),BMP-2's and UAZ's." Nikolai then continued "Danielle will be my Commander and Igor will be the gunner of the BMP-2."

"Nice." I said

"I will man that massive gun?" Igor gulped and said "I dont know how to use it but i will try my best to learn how to fire it."

As soon as we entered the vehicle problems emerged such as comfortably.

Levi said "I love the fact we are protected by armor but its so tight here."

"Sokolov stop pushing." Chernov said

"Quiet! Be happy you are just there resting me and the other crew here operating the APC are in shit right now." Igor said

Harakov then replied "He's got a point."

Sokolov and Niko both nodded. Igor is right being the vehicle crew is shitty Nikolai,Igor and I are a sweat box in fact we had to remove our shirt and no matter how hard we try its so hot we were traveling hours on end the scene in the road of the wasteland is like this..Destroyed Electrical poles,Rusty cars,Decaying Buildings,Tree's,And Mutated animals trying to make a living.

The BMP-2 For the driver his line of sight is not that good. Since im the commander i will issue orders to him like move to the Left,Right,Forward,Full speed,Slow down, and Etc.

So my throat started to get dry so we used sign language like for example if i want him to move to the left i will tap his left shoulder and if we need to go full speed i will tap twice at his back.

I noticed that you can open the hatch on the Commanders seat meaning you can get a clearer veiw on the outside

"Hey mind if i open the hatch?" I asked

"Sure get my Geiger counter to check for radiation." Nikolai said

I soon took his Geiger counter and i open the hatch as i emerged i saw the same scenery in the turret but it feels good as the wind blows and kiss your chest that's soaked in sweat.The Geiger counter was not crackling but after a few minutes it started to crackle

"Well better head back down" I said to myself i soon put on my my shirt my vest and i wore my gas mask. Well even if there is radiation here it gives better view and its cooler outside.But soon night came my other squad members fell asleep. And i felt very sleepy i came down and i looked for the night vision of Levi he is a spotter so by chance he might own one.Soon i saw one but it wasn't the one where you place it in your head but instead its for a sniper rifle. Or a scope i used the night vision scope to guide Nikolai soon i felt very sleepy i woke up Harakov

"Hey Harakov get up." I said and shocked him

He then woke up "Yeah?"

"Mind if you watch for any enemy soldiers while i rest?" I told him and gave him the scope

He then stretched and said "Sure why not."

I soon took his place and rest since i was very tired i fell asleep very fast..As i woke up i was still sleeping in the BMP but my squad mates are no where i soon open the door of the APC. I was blinded by the sunlight it was so bright i sheilded my eyes with my right hand as soon as my vision cleared i saw..Well the biggest town i have ever seen.The BMP was parked near the edge of the town and it was used as a forward barracks for both Renegade and Stalkers as i stepped in the dirt road of the town i saw shacks made out of wood and metal covers with tire's ontop.Also i noticed the town was very alive i saw so much people trying to do their daily work and working.Soon i needed something to drink before i was able to go farther someone grabbed my Arm.I faced it was Diana

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