Chapter #17 Adrian Ivanov

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We crossed the border of Broken valley. When we took the route going to spiker I'm surprised i saw many traders going in and out of this place, They were riding Tark's (Mutated horses) and the richer merchants were driving cars all of them did not have any faction of any sort.

"We are close to spiker!" Natalia said excitingly her smile was as wide as the black zone.Spiker is close to the USRR territory i have to stop her. I was really silent i need a plan shall i kidnap her? My heart is beating fast time to time i find it hard to breathe.I did not know what to do..Spiker is Stalker lands and its just close to USRR soil.

"H-hey Natalia its alright to..I mean" I was really nervous. She turned "What?" Shit..Shit what will i do? Then an idea popped into my mind "Don't bankrupt me i mean spiker is a trading town so dont spend too much.".

Her smile faded and told me "Don't worry since you helped me get to USRR lands my father will reward you, But you are Renegade so i dont know.". I feel bad about her she is completly clueless about whats going to happen i was going to trick her into going to USRR lands but she will get captured by the Renegades i feel like a bitch.When we got close to Spiker, I saw shacks everywere there are so many people settled here. there were people everywhere they are all trading since Spiker was owned by the Stalker faction it was no surprise that there are so much peace keepers they are welly armed with Kalashnikov's and their gear is good but they wear a mix of civilian and military clothes.Then at a distance i saw the massive mall.

The moment Natalia saw the mall all hell broke loose"LETS GO!!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the mall I yell at her"Wait!" As we went pass the wall we were in spiker. The place was enormous i swear everywhere you turn there are stalls selling a variety of things luxury items,food,etc its incredible what they done "Woooooww!! Spiker!" Natalia screamed and went to me she was flipping out as if she was in heaven "Calm down. We will eat there alright?" i told her "But in one condition we wont spend that much alright?" She then ignored what i said she just replied "I don't give a darn lets go Danielle!" Well i was forced to dine with her i swear we went inside the mall it was wide i cant believe such building survived the war we climbed up a non functioning escalator we were at the second floor we were at the food section

"Nice! I know this place Danielle lets go to my favorite!" She exclaimed as she pulled me "Hold on! Wait i mean cant we..?" I tried but she was able to make me sit down..We sat down in the chairs in a round table it looked really neat i mean there is a flower vase in the middle..Im not used to things like this we were the only people in the place because this place is pretty top notch and its for the rich.I was not used to their costume's i mean we were handed over menu's. If you eat in an ordinary restaurant you pay and get your meal in the counter."Here is menu sir." The waiter told me and handed me a piece of paper with artistic sketches of what we were going to order..Uhh..I'm soo not familiar with rich people's food.We did eat in a top notch restaurant i believed Natalia maybe this place can be good to blow off steam.Well i did spend lots of stamps for Natalia well i gifted her a nice Jacket. I did not buy anything for myself i felt like she is like a sister. She is so hard headed always begging me to buy this and that..Danielle! You fucking idiot why are you giving her these stuff. I mean you will betray her down the road.She is a prisoner of the Renegade we can win a tactical advantage with her.Fuck! I mean she does not deserve this..FUCK FUCK FUUCCKK!!! My mind is going crazy i don't know what to do with her. It makes me nervous

We were at a cement high way that is the center of the town. As you can imagin there are lots of people passing by and many houses around they are makeshift shelters.

"Danielle thanks for these stuff." Natalia told me as she shown me the jacket i bought for her. It was quite stylish i will admit i then told her "Don't mention it. I loved the place you shown me." She smiled her smile was ear to ear she then hits my left arm with her elbow "Ouch! Whats that for?!" I yell at her. She looked down and faced me "That's how i show affection." I then clutch my arm in pain and flinch at the pain. Then i see a massive tent city. They are refugees of what?? I then came close to a man selling peanuts. "Hey a brother do you know where these refugees came from?" The dude then said "Ah. These guys are from D6 and the Junkyard." My home town is D6 so i immediately thanked the guy and started to look around.

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