Author's note

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Hi everyone! Thank you for choosing my book, Plan D, sequel to, Plan B. I have decided not to post the first book, due to it being pretty bad, so here is a summary of it:

Sofia, also known as Emily, is sent to get information from the Garcia family Mafia, for the man her druggy parents sold her to, Antonio, and his gang. Along the way, Adrian and Sofia fall in love, and she falls pregnant. When he find out she is not in fact, the Emily he knew her as, he goes ballistic and she has to go live with her now sober mother and stepfather, of whom she married after Sofia's father died. When she leaves, she leaves behind her best friend Maria, her long lost friend Brad, and all her newly found friends in the Mafia. After an encounter with both Antonio and Adrian almost three months, she gets shot and ends up in a coma.

When she wakes up, she finds out that she is pregnant with Adrian's children, twins, and flees to Mexico, not saying goodbye. When she arrives in Mexico, she runs into her supposedly dead father, of whom faked his own death to get away from Sofia's mother. After six months, Sofia had her babies, a boy and girl. Five years later, on their fifth birthday, Adrian finally finds Sofia, and goes to Mexico to get her back. On the same night, Sofia's father ends up in the hospital, where he dies the next day. Sofia and their children, along with her new friend Owen, go back to the US, where they all become one big happy family.

Oh wow, that was so much longer than I meant for it to be haha. Anyways, character descriptions.

Taylor Garcia- 18y/o. Black hair, Grey eyes, Tan skin. 'Bad girl', daughter of Sofia and Adrian Garcia, twin sister of Tyler Garcia. Best friend of Emma Stevenson, and Brooke Parker. Likes Zayn Andrews.

Tyler Garcia- 18y/o. Strawberry Blonde hair, Grey eyes, Tan skin. Popular, jock. Son of Sofia and Adrian Garcia, twin brother of Taylor Garcia. Best friend of Danny Santiago, and Zayn Andrews. Likes Brooke Parker.

Zayn Andrews- 19y/o. Black hair, (read Taylor's description of his eyes later on,) Olive skin. 'Bad boy', jock. Siblings are Vanessa, Derek, and Jennifer Andrews. Best friend of Danny Santiago, and Tyler Garcia. Likes ???.

Danny (Daniel) Santiago- 17y/o. Light Brown hair, Blue eyes, Light Brown skin. Popular, 'Golden Boy,' Jock. Only child. Best friend of Tyler Garcia and Zayn Andrews. Likes ???.

Emma Stevenson- 18 y/o. Dirty Blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Fair skin. Popular, 'Nice Girl'. Sibling, Gerret Stevenson, deceased. Best friend of Taylor Garcia and Brooke Parker. Likes ???.

Brooke Parker- 16y/o. Black hair, dark blue eyes, Ivory skin. Popular, 'Bad Girl,' Goth. Sibling of Ashton Parker, Stepsibling of Alisha Anderson. Best friend of Taylor Garcia and Emma Stevenson. Likes Tyler Garcia.

Alisha Anderson- 17y/o. Platinum Blonde hair, Baby Blue eyes, Olive skin. Popular, 'Mean Girl'. Stepsibling of Brooke and Ashton Parker. Ex-bestfriend of Taylor Garcia, Brooke Parker, and Emma Stevenson. Likes ???.

Alrighty, now that that's over, enjoy the book. Please ignore any mistakes, and let me know of what you think! Any feedback is good feedback! Thank you!

Also, I will say this once. If I get any hate on it, I will delete your comments. I will not be putting a trigger warning on each individual chapter, as at least one of the following is mentioned in almost every chapter:

Eating Disorders, Sexual Harrassment, Suicide, Suicide Attempts, Gore.

Please understand that I, again, am just trying to bring awareness to it. I am not trying to offend anyone, but I am not going to put a warning on every single chapter. If it gets to be too much, I will say what topic is discussed. I did put warnings on the physical actions of some of them, and skipped the details on others, but I won't put a warning on it if it is just a topic being used in conversation.

I hope you guys don't hate me for this, but I really just want to raise awareness, and attempt at pursuing writing.

P.s. I apologize for any romantic scenes after chapter twenty five, as I found that I don't like guys anymore lol, so it might not be very good. Then again, neither is the rest of this book... eh.

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