Chapter thirty-eight

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I can't believe Tyler was there too. Or that Zayn got there just in time. Sure, I ended up with a busted lip, and bruised stomach, but I was just barely still wearing my underwear, when he quietly, obviously, since literally no one knew, not even me, snuck in and helped my brother and I.

The busted lip was from Zayn's father punching me, and the bruised stomach was from Ashton being pissed when a phone clattered onto my lap from my previously discarded bra, making him throw it at me harshly. The only reason I was crying was because of the memories it brought bad.

Zayn's father.


"Zayn..." I whisper hoarsely.

"Yeah Munchkin?" He ask softly, taking on hand off the wheel and placing it on my exposed knee in a comforting way.

"Are you okay?"

His hand tightens on the steering wheel. "I should be asking you that." He replies.

"I'm fine. You just shot your own fa-"

"Don't. That man was no father of mine. He hurt you. He payed that motherfucker to hurt you! He deserve what he got coming. He deserves to rot in hell." Zayn sneers.

I lay my hand over the one that rest on my knee, stroking my thumb across the back of it. His knuckles slowly go back to their original color, showing he has loosened his grip. Neither of us say anything else the rest of the drive, resting in a comfortable silence.

By the time we pull into the apartment's parking lot, I am practically bouncing in my seat, excited to see my daughter. Zayn chuckles at my reaction, before reaching back and grabbing some black sweat pants, giving them to me, to put over my bare legs. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek without thinking, running out of the car to hide my burning face.


Zayn meets me halfway down the stairs, walking silently next to me.

"Fuck." I pat my butt, looking for my phone and wallet in the nonexistent pockets. Then I move to the front looking for my keys. Zayn chuckles, walking past me, also softly patting my ass, making me blush and huff, flying down the stairs to catch up with his long strides. Out of nowhere, he grabs my keys, unlocking the door. "Wha-"

"MOMMY!!!" Maggie screams, running out with Nikki, both latching onto either of my legs.

"Taylor! Thank God!" Hailey rushes out, also hugging me.

"Tay!" Jacob runs out, knocking into Hailey hard enough to make me sway, but when he wraps his arms around me, I feel my feet come out from under me, and I begin to freak out for the girls currently residing on my legs. A shriek leaves my lips when arms slip under my own.

The girls start giggling like crazy, as they hang sideways. Jacob jumps back, his cheeks extremely red.

"So uh... I take it I don't get my Oreos?"


Turns out that Tyler and I were gone for half a day. When Zayn and I got back to my apartment, it was already 11 A.M. so I just decided to stay up with the girls and my friends. Jacob hasn't stopped blushing since he found out Zayn was here. Hailey has been guarded, but since he brought me back, she is slowly warming up to him.

Zayn hasn't left my side the entire day. Literally, I went to the bathroom, and he stood outside waiting for me.

He hasn't said much, to anyone but Maggie. Even then it isn't that much.

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