Chapter six

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Gonna use Ian as Zayn, cause why not? ^^
I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't thankful to get out of this punishment free thanks to Taylor's relationship with our dad, but it's still a bit frustrating. If it would have been me who picked up the phone, my ass wouldn't leave the house until I was thirty. Isn't this backwards? The daughter closer with the mom, and the dad and son best friends? That's how it is in all the movies I've seen! Well, most of them. I guess in a lot they are both equally close, but still. Tay and our mom don't have the best relationship, and neither do my dad and I. It's just confusing I suppose.

"You bitch! You messed up my beautiful face!" I hear a shriek behind us. Taylor turns around to face Alisha followed by her minions. Her nose is the slightest bit crooked, and she has a black eye to mix with her busted lip. Tay studies her for a moment, before looking confused. 

"Really? I was gonna ask if you did something different today. You're looking better." She winks at the scowling girl. 

"Lesbian freak!" She shouts, getting the attention from many passerbyers.

"Really? I had no idea." Taylor shrugs.

"Although, I did happen to see you and Karen last year in an empty classroom." Alisha's eyes widen and her face turns red, presumably from both anger and embarrassment, as Taylor makes kissing lips towards her old friend. She looks around, freaking when she sees people laughing at her. Most I know, and they wouldn't care if she was a homosexual, but she acts like quite the homophobic so it's quite the shock. 

Hypocritical bitch.

"S-she's lying!" She attempts to convince the teens, running after them to make it stick. 

"Bravo, but did you have to be quite so mean about it?" My eyes widen as they lock with Taylor's. We both slowly turn around, followed by Zayn. 

"Oh hey Mister Garcia! Long time no see!" He greets. 

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Taylor speaks up, still looking at our father with wide eyes. He opens his mouth but shuts it with a scowl when he is interrupted by voices behind us.

"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor! Brooke likes yo- Ehm." Emma cuts herself off with a cough, stopping and making Brooke run into her. 

"Emma! I told you to stop a while ago, but did it just register in your small brain now?" Brooke asks, peeking out from behind her friend. God she's so beautiful. Her eyes shine, making me feel as if I was look out over the, as the Turkish would say, gumusservi. The dark blue practically shines with excitement, or some other strong feeling. Her small button nose perfectly shaped, and beautiful pink lips. Oh what I would give to wake up next to her every morning. "Oh uh, hey Garcia's. And Zayn. Alright, this has been fun, gotta go." She goes to walk away, but is roughly yanking back by Emma, who is still staring at the group before her. 

I can't help but chuckle at a flustered Brooke. It's a rare sight. At the sound, she turns to me with her normal emotionless face. I smile cheekily at her in attempts to make her smile. She bites her lip, but that doesn't stop a small smile from escaping, all it does is make me want to be the one biting instead. 

"Anyways," My father drags the attention back to himself, ever the drama queen. "Your teacher wants to have a talk with Zayn's dad and myself about our 'Child's out of hand behavior,' so I had to come in." 

"Oh that reminds me, it's cool if Z comes over today, right?" I ask. He glances between us three and nods. "Thanks."

"Yeah, thank you Mister Garcia." Zayn says. 

"Please, any friend of my kids is welcome to call me Adrian."

"Are you sick?" Taylor let's slip. It's true though, our dad never let our friends call him by anything but our last name. Our dad chuckles, shaking his head. 

"You kids get to class. I'll see you three later. Brooke, Emma, great seeing you ladies." He gives all of us a nod, before walking into the school to which we follow. The next three periods were uneventful. So, I decided to mix it up at lunch. At lunch it is always Taylor and her two best friends, and then mine and myself. See we are popular, but we still have an inner circle and and inner-inner circle. The inner circle being ten people, Raven, Poppy, Joey, and Jesse, plus the inner-inner circle which consists of Brooke, Emma, Daniel, Zayn, Taylor, and me.

"Hey Taylor." I start, interrupting her conversation with her 'girls.'

"Yes, oh darling brother?" She sighs. 

Goddamn. Cheryl much?

I smirk. "So ya know how Alisha called you a Lesbian Freak?" At this point everyone is watching. She hums boredly, urging me to continue. "Well that can't be possible since you like-" I'm cut off with a groan, coming from me when she kicks my shin from across the table.

"I thought we weren't going to talk about that." She gets out through clenched teeth, showing she was about to throw punches if I didn't shut the fuck up. Heh. 

"But you do. If I recall correctly, you used to call him- Ah God Damnit!!" I exclaim, bending over as far as I could with the table in the way. "Remind me to cross my legs around you." I grunt, cupping my now in pain balls. 

"Dude, what happened?!" Danny asks. I turn to look at him, Zayn looking around me to stare at him, along with the girls. Zayn reaches around me and smacks the back of his head. 

"Dumbass." He mutters. "You can see him cupping his-"

"Ew no. That's my brother, I may kick him, but I do not want the visual." Taylor gags.

"Zayn is your brother? Or your brother is calling?" Danny asks. Everyone turns to stare at him again. 

"Are you mentally stable?" Brooke asks, scrunching up her nose and furrowing her eyebrows, making her look adorable.

"I'm great! Why do you ask?" Everyone groans. 

I swear if he wasn't one of my best friends I would smash his head against a wall. 

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