Chapter twenty-one

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It's been four days. Emma is currently in bad condition. She is staying here, and we hired a stay-in therapist for her to speak with everyday. Taylor refused to let her leave the house. Danny came, Zayn didn't leave, and neither did Alisha or Brooke. 

We haven't even been able to talk to Taylor about her ED and potential pregnancy, let alone me telling her, or Brooke for that matter seen as he is her brother, that Ashton is tied up in one of the cells we have in a section of the basement. Right now, Taylor, Brooke, and Alisha (of whom we have all warmed up to just a tad bit) are in talking to Emma. And me being me, listened in...


"Why Em? Why wouldn't you talk to us, instead of trying to kill yourself?" I hear Brooke speak.

"I tried to! Multiple times!" She snaps. From what I have gotten, she's pretty moody, locked up in one room. "Ever since my brother died, I've been the nice girl. The one that makes everyone feel better, makes everyone happy, and no one thought for a second, how I feel! My brother killed himself, and no one even asked if I was okay! My parents, they left. They are constantly on 'business trips', just to get away from me, because it's my fault he hung himself! Because I couldn't save him! And lately, Brooke all you've been talking about is whether or not Tyler likes you! Taylor, no offence but lately, you've been such a fucking bitch! And Ali, you haven't even been in our lives since highschool started!" 


Alisha gets cut off. "No! No, I'm not done! Brooke, if it's that important to you, man up and go fucking ask him yourself. And Taylor, I don't know what stick you have up your ass, but either get it out, or talk about it, not ignore every fucking person who cares about you!" I can practically feel Taylor flinching at that, even through the door. "Alisha, if you came back to rub it in that you don't want to even be friends with us, let alone me ever have a chance with you, then feel free to leave and never speak to us again." My jaw drops. I did not see that coming. Emma likes Alisha? A gasp is heard from the other side, coming from what sounds like Emma, and then silence. 

"What are you doing?" I turn to see Zayn and Danny, along with my aunt and Uncle Dani and Owen. It was Owen who spoke. 

I rub the back of my neck, and with a sheepish smile, I whisper, "Eavesdropping?" They all raise an eyebrow at the same time, again, except for my dear friend danny-boy, who is still trying to do it, but raises both and ends up looking like he's trying to get a fart out.

Suddenly a phone rings, scaring everyone, especially me. 

"One second, I have to take this. I'll go outside though." I hear. My eyes widen as I begin shoving them around a nearby corner. 

"Go, go, go! Abort, abort!" I whisper frantically. Danny looks like he's trying not to laugh when I slump against the wall in relief of not being caught. 

"Hello? Taylor speaking." She pauses for a moment, listening to whatever the person on the other line is saying. "No!" I glance worriedly at Zayn at her sudden outburst, making him shrug as we continue listening. Taylor clears her throat before talking again. "I mean, uh, I'm sorry. No, none of that will be necessary. I've got it handled, there's no need. Thank you." The sound of her hanging up echoes to us, and then it goes silent for a bit. I wonder what she was talking about? "What are we waiting for?" Someone whispers, making everyone but Zayn jump, and Danny screams. We turn to see Taylor hunched over to copy our current stance. 

We all straighten up quickly. "Uh, we were um- what's that? Coming Sofia!" Owen drags Dani away, to where my mother is 'calling him.' 

"He did it!" Danny exclaims, pointing at me. Zayn smirks at my expense. 

"H-hey TayTay." I chuckle nervously. My sister is one scary bitch. 

"Hi Ty. Whatcha doin' out here?" 

"Wait... how'd you just like, teleport here?" Danny asks, staring at her in amazement. 

"There is... um, another door, out of the room." She cocks an eyebrow at my friend, obviously not doing a great job stifling her ever growing laughter. 

He nods thoughtfully. "Oh, okay, I get it." He moves away from the wall, blocking the exit to the original door. "So, now, how'd you teleport."

Zayn and I simultaneously smack him upside the head. Taylor shakes her head laughing, turning and going back to the room. 

"Munchkin, what was the call about." I gag at the name, but I can't help but be curious too. She looks back, a small smile on her lips.
"Nothing, just a group project." With that she walks back into the room with Emma, Brooke, and Alisha. 

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