Chapter twenty-eight

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Awww look how adorable little Maggie is!!!!^^

"Good news!" Jacob exclaims as soon as I walk through the door.

"Mommy!" Maggie screams at the same time, running up to me, jumping into my arms.

"Thank god!" Hailey shouts.

I shut the door slowly, staring at them. "Hi guys, oh yeah, the interviews were horrible, I probably didn't get the jobs so now I need you two to watch Mag again. How was your guy's days?" I say sarcastically. The siblings blush, and Maggie squeezes my neck tighter. "What's your good news Jacob?"

"Hailey and I got jobs!!" He yells, getting excited again.

My jaw drops. "W-what?"

"Yeah, Hails is a model and I'm a photographer. She has to be there every weekday even if it isn't her shoot, and I have to since I'm the photographer, so we'll get payed all the days! Isn't that great??"

"Uh, yeah. I'm so happy for you two." I tell them, setting my daughter down. "I, I'm going to go take a quick shower."

I wasn't lying when I said that I was happy for them, I really am. But what about Maggie? Their aren't any daycares within a twenty mile radius of her elementary school? If I by some miracle get the job, I'll have to talk to my boss about picking her up and bringing her to the office for the couple hours after her school ends or something.

Sure, in the past, one of them may have gotten a job, but there is always someone to watch Maggie.

Hopefully my future boss, wherever the job is, likes me.

Suddenly I hear the bathroom door open, scaring me. But the sound of plopping down on the toilet lid calms me. Maggie comes in while I'm showering all the time just to talk to me. "Hi mommy."

"Hey Maggie Bear." I reply.

"Wanna know what Uncle Jakey did today?"

"What did he do?" I groan out, making her laugh her head off.

She can barely get her sentence out, as I continue letting the conditioner soak and begin shaving. "He... was... jumping on his bed... and then... hit... his... head on the ceiling... and fell... off... onto the... floor..." Maggie keeps pausing to laugh, making me smile. I love her laugh.

I got lucky. She looks nothing like her spermdonor. She looks exactly like me, no traces of that asshat in her looks. And she is the biggest sweetheart ever. Even at the age of five, she has one of the biggest hearts ever.

"Oh yeah? What did the doctor say?"



"Miss Taylor Garcia?" The voice asks when I pick up the phone.

"This is she." I respond,  unsure of who it may be.

"This is Sandra Green, I am calling to inform you that you have gotten the position as the Personal Assistant. You will speak more with your bosses on Monday, at 8:30 A.M. exactly! Have a nice day."

She doesn't let me say anything else, before she hangs up.

I stay there a while longer, in the same position, stunned, until Jacob speaks, "Tay, you good over there?" He asks hesitantly. I slowly turn my head towards him, a huge smile coating my features.

"I got the job."

"You got the job?!" He asks, standing up in excitement, making me do the same.

"I got the job!!"

With her super hearing, Hailey come running out of the bathroom, again, dripping water all over the carpet, only wrapped in a towel, jumping up and down. Jacob looks away, like the gentleman he is, while we freak out.

"I'm sorry I didn't seem happy for you guys. I really am, I just was nervous about Mags. But I'll talk to my boss, and work it out. You two live your dreams." I hug them. Hailey shivers reminding me she hopped out of the shower for this. "Oops. Go go, we can celebrate after Maggie goes to bed." I shoo her off.

Maybe this isn't turning out so bad after all.


I take it back.

Everything is not going well.

"Maggie! Just put your pants on!" I groan, almost in tears while trying to get my daughter to put clothes on.

"I don't want to!" She screams back, stomping her foot and crossing her arms while plopping down on the floor in her underwear.

"Margret Gracia I do not have time for this! School starts in an hour and I still have to get ready for work and feed you! So put your pants on!" I finally snap. My daughter looks up at me, her little beady eyes watering, and her bottom lip trembling. "No no no, don't cry baby, don't cry. I'm sorry, you're okay, you're okay. I'm sorry Maggie Bear. Just please put your pants on?" I pull her into a hug, letting her know how sorry I am.

I hate snapping at her. I always feel so guilty right after I do it. I hear her little sniff, and then a little, "Okay mama." She scurries out of my arms, immediately pulling her little pair of leggings on. She is wearing pink leggings, with a grey t-shirt, that has a little butterfly on the front of it. The shoulders have little slits in them, making her look adorable, not that she isn't already.

"Thank you honey. Now, go try your hardest to annoy Uncle Jakey." I hold out my pinky, and she gets a determined face, before roughly (well as roughly as a five year old can,) grabs my pinky with her own and yanks down, (again, as hard as a five year old can,) before running out of the room screaming for Jacob.

I got ready the rest of the way very quickly, before making Maggie breakfast. When shes done I make sure she brushes her teeth and fixing up her hair. Rushing out the door, I quickly drop her off at school. Of course, giving her a pep talk before she leaves. I had to blink back the tears as I watch her waddle her way up to the school, immediately latching onto some random girl, and seemingly becoming friends with her.

Hold it together Tay. Hold it together.

Sighing, I make my way to B&E Industries. When I arrive, I push the revolving door, stepping into the building. Winter looks up, immediately running up to me squealing.

"You got the job!! Eek! I'm so happy for you! Just be careful, if it comes down to it, you'll probably end up being you out the door. The other PA has something going on with one of the bosses. But she has since forever, or so the rumor goes. I don't want my new friend getting fired anytime soon!" She rushes out. My eyes widen.

"Uh- right. I better get going." I tell her, slipping by. Don't get me wrong, I like her, that was just very in your face for only 8:27 in the morning.


It's already 8:27!

Rushing to the elevator, I continuously press the up arrow, praying for it to open quickly.

God must like me today, as it does, and seems to glide extremely quickly up to the top floor. I had emailed Sandra a few days ago, asking where to go when I got here, and if I needed to bring anything.

Finally, it beeps and the door opens. I step out, taking a deep breath before walking up to the only door on the floor. There are a few couches and one desk, looking like a secretary's desk outside the room. I knock on the oak door, thankful to be on time, because my heart is already about to beat out of my chest.

"Come in." I hear a feminine voice come from the other side, so I do just that.

My jaw drops when I see who is in front of me.


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