Chapter five

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Alisha folks🤩^^
"Aww, that's cute Tyler, getting a ride from your sissy." Alisha Anderson cooes fakely. "Maybe, she can protect you from all the big mean bullies too."

It doesn't take long for my fist to connect with her face. You mess with my brother, you mess with me. Alisha has been my- well everyone's enemy since eighth grade, but for Brooke, Emma and I, it was worse. More personal. You see, like ever cliche person's life, we all used to be best friends. That is, until she decided she was too good for us. Em, B, and myself all drifted apart after that, but being who she is, Emma got the band back together. Except Alisha of course. She and her minions, Karen and Stacy, are the only people Em physically cannot be nice to. "You fucking bitch!" I keep punching her from our place currently on the ground. 

"Tay! Taylor! Taylor stop!" I hear calls from around me, but then I'm pulled off, by familiar arms. 

"Tyler let me fucking go."

"Woah, calm down Chica." Ashton is suddenly there, with his hands on my shoulders. Luckily, it's early, so not many people are here yet. I can't help but laugh as she runs away screaming, with her posse following behind her doing the same.

"That bitch deserved it." I growl, patting Tyler's hand which is currently on my stomach, to which he let's me go. 

"Thanks Tay, but you just proved her point."
Tyler rolls his eyes, stalking away from me. 

"Wait, Tyler! I'm sorry! But you know how mad she makes me-" I'm cut off by the school's entry doors slamming shut behind him as he enters. I groan, thrusting my hands through my long, silky black hair. "This year was supposed to be chill. I was supposed to get through the school year, graduate, and move on from this hell hole. It's only the second day and my brother already hates me, again, and I have two weeks of detention." I rant, forgetting the person here was Ash. 

"Seems eventful." He butts in. I glance over him, a smirk replacing my scowl. I slightly chuckle, shaking my head. "How's the hand? I'm pretty sure you broke her nose." He laughs. 

I clench and unclench my fist, shrugging as I look at the multiple cuts in it. "I've done worse to my brother." Students begin swarming around us, desperate to get to class. 

"Wait... seriously? I wanna see that!" He exclaims, making me laugh. 

"C'mon, we should get to class." We head to class, but when I sit down in front of Tyler, he rolls his eyes. 

Ty, please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry

I pass him a note by throwing it over my shoulder. Soon enough it's shoved into my lap. 

Seriously TayTay? A note? Just for embarrassing yourself like that, you're forgiven

He writes back. I send him a glare over my shoulder. He chuckles, earning an added glare from our teacher. 

"Something you'd like to add, mister Garcia?" She raises a penciled on eyebrow at him. He shakes his head. "That's what I thought. Now, may I continue my lesson?"

"I'd rather you didn't" Zayn mutters from the seat beside me. I bite my lip in attempt to stop my laugh from bubbling out of my lips, but when she glares at him harder than even Tyler, I burst.

Cue everyone following my lead, unable to stop laughing. 

"Alright, that's it. Everyone out!" Miss Ferrow exclaims pointing at the door. As I pass her, Zayn in front of me and Tyler behind me, I can't seem to keep my mouth shut. 

"Thank you for this honor Miss Ferrow. I'll make sure to keep you in mind when I'm giving my acceptance speech for the, 'Worst Teacher's Favorite Student,' award." Her glare narrows in on me. She motions for the three of us to stay. I huff, slinking back to my seat, followed by Tyler and Zayn. 

"You had to say something Tay?" Ty asks. I shrug. 

"I didn't have to per say, but I sure as hell wanted to." Miss Ferrow begins speaking on the phone, her scowl deepening. 

"He is your son and he needs to take responsibility for his actions! And if you wouldn't have raised him the way you did, we wouldn't be having this issue." I glance over at Zayn, seeing him stiffen beside me. When his phone Pings with a new text, my curiosity gets the best of me, making my eyes drift towards the screen on his hand. 

I'm sorry man. Taylor doesn't have a filter. Don't bother going home tonight, you can stay at my place.

Thanks man. Pops would kill me if he didn't have at least a day to cool down. And she's fine. At least she isn't a suck up. 

True dat. Ight man, I'll get Tay to give us a ride there.

Thanks my man.

Seriously, what's with guys saying 'man,' in every sentence? "Are you done?" Zayn asks. I blush when I realize he caught me. 

"Sorry." I mutter. He chuckles. Then what my teacher is saying registers. 

"Well, as her father you should teach that girl to have a filter! She has no right to go around making snarky comments like that one. That is, as I said, your fault." 

"Do not, talk about him that way!" I snap, immediately jumping out of my seat to lung at her. 

"Taylor, calm down." Tyler wraps his arms around my waist, preventing me from completing previous goal. 

"Taylor, your father wishes to speak to you. He sounds very angry." My heart sinks at her words. My dad and Tyler especially, but my mom and aunts and uncles too. If they are mad at me... I hate it. So much. I walk over to the phone. 

"Dad?" I ask. 

"Taylor Marie Garcia, what did you say to your teacher?" He asks sternly. 

I gulp. "I just said I would remember her was I was awarded the 'Worst Teacher's Favorite Student,' award." I mumble. I hear him sigh.

"That's my girl." I grin. "Now, pretend like I scolded you or both your teacher and mother will get mad at me." I smirk at his words, hanging up. I turn my back so that it is facing the boys, so that they can see my crossed fingers.

"I'm very sorry for treating you the way I did Miss Ferrow. My father reminded me how important it is to respect others, and I apologize." She smirks at me words. 

"Alright, off you go." She shoos us out of the room, Zayn on one side of me and Tyler on the other.

"He told he was proud, didn't he?" Ty scowls. 

"Yup." I pop the P, high fiving Zayn as we walk through the doors to outside during the passing period. 

"Daddy's girl."

"Mommy's boy." I fire back. 






I stop for a moment to laugh at that one. 





"Ladies, ladies, calm down." Zayn intervenes. As I glance at my brother glaring at his friend, I'm glad. I don't think I would have had a comeback for that one...

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