Chapter nineteen

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 ~Taylor~ Trigger warning
We are about fifteen minutes into the twenty minute drive to Em's house, when my phone rings. Seeing it's Emma, I chuckle and show Brooke and Alisha, to tell them not to speak. I pick up, putting it on speaker as I drive.

"Hey babes."

"Hi." My eyebrows furrow as she sniffles on the other side. 

"Em? Are you okay over there?" I look in the rearview mirror, watching and Alisha and Brooke exchange a concerned look from where they both reside in the back.

Emma suddenly coughs. "Um, yeah I'm good. Are you busy right now?" 

"Yeah, sorry, I can call you later?" I reply, biting my lip to make sure I don't start laughing. I am trained to lie but when it comes to these two it's literally impossible for me. Most of the time.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Okay." 

"Good night babe."

"Goodbye." With that she hangs up. 

Then Brooke's phone rings, and they have practically the same conversation. By the time it ends, we are pulling into her driveway. "C'mon." I whisper. Luckily my car isn't that loud, and I can hear music blasting all the way out here from inside. We walk to her door, and I twist the knob, confused when it doesn't open right away. Emma literally never locks her door, we are always yelling at her to. Brooke immediately searches her porch for a key, under the welcome mat, under a plant, in the plant, everywhere, but we can't find it. I sigh, giving up on the surprise aspect of this, and decide to just call her, but it goes straight to voicemail. Without thinking, I step back, bringing up my leg and kicking the door. It practically falls off it's hinges, but I'll worry about that later. 

"Emma?" Brooke's voice gets drowned out by the deafening heavy metal music echoing through the empty house. "Alisha, can you go shut that off?" She mentions to the stereo in the living room, as we head upstairs to see where Em is. I don't hesitate to grip the knife secretly strapped to my leg. Always be prepared. The music shuts off, and I hear a frusterated cry from Emma's room. I run, hearing two sets of feet behind me, as I barge into her room. 

"I-I-I can't get it open!" She screams, trying to open a bottle of prescription pills, which I immediately knock out of her hands. She screams out, bawling harder than me after I woke up in the woods. I fall to my knees beside her, cradling her shaking body in my lap. Tears slip from Ali's eyes as she stares at the scene in front of her. Brooke, the queen (besides myself) of not showing her emotions, has a hand covering her gaping mouth, as tears spill from her blue eyes. Her legs seem to give out from beneath her, cause her to fall to the floor with a large thud. As Emma's sobs turn into small whimpers, Brooke crawls over next to me, making Em put her head in her lap, as her body is sprawled out on me. 

Still in shock like the rest of us, Alisha goes over to the discarded bottle of pills, that apparently were opened just as they were knocked out of her hands, because they are spilt everywhere. She picks up the pill bottle, her eyebrows furrowing when she reads the label. "Emma, where the hell did you get these?" Emma pops her head up, staring at Alisha for a moment, before slightly shrugging and laying her head back down. 

"Some guy sold a couple to me." Her words come out in a weak whisper. 

"Where are the rest?" I ask, immediately worried she had already taken an entire bottle of who knows how strong pills. Emma points a shaky hand to the crooked closet door. Ali gets up quickly, opening the door all the way and picking up yet another empty bottle. My eyes water as I look at my frail best friend with pleading eyes. She couldn't... Not Emma. No, no, Emma, she's always happy. She can't do this. 

Without any warning, I pick her up from Brooke, rushing her towards my car. Alisha and B are right behind me, helping me out her in the backseat with Ali. Once Brooke is planted in the front seat beside me, I speed, going 150 mile per hour, getting to my house in less than five minutes. I look back, seeing Emma's eyes dropping as she mutters, "So... Cold..." 

"No, no, no, Emma, stay with us. Come on babes." Brooke rushes back, with the help of Alisha picking her up, and rushing after me, where I am, already bursting through the front door. 

"Dad! I need help!" I cry out, leaving the door open for the girls to follow. When my parents, brother, and Zayn see Emma's almost unconscious body, Zayn runs over, grabbing her from Brooke, and darting down the hall to where my dad is calling him. The medical ward inside the house. The doctor is already there, putting away the equipment for stitching someone up. He drops everything, running over and laying Em down on a table, pushing everyone out of the room to work on her. The last thing I see before the door is closed is a sweating Emma, sporting blue finger tips. I turn to see B getting comforted by Tyler, and my parents talking -surpringly- kindly to Alisha. 

Going over the events of today, tears spring to my grey eyes. 

How could I let this happen? 

Feeling a large hand on my shoulder, I immediately turn into the owner's chest, not caring who it may be. Warmth envelops me as their familiar arms find their way around me. His scent wraps me in what feels like a second hug. 

He doesn't say anything. 

He just is there. 

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