Chapter thirty-three

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Turns out, said 'partnering company,' was Zayn's. Like what the fuck? I was happy there, and then he went and ripped it away. I tried to decline, but no one listened. And they haven't for the last two months.

I don't want to be near him. Everytime I see him, all I can think is how I let him get away, and now he is someone else's. Maybe if I would have just stayed, everything would be easier. Maggie would have a big ass family, she could have known Zayn before since she seems to love him (seriously for someone who doesn't like new people, she sure latches onto people pretty damn quick), I would still have my dad and Tyler. And maybe, just maybe, Zayn would be with me instead.


Wishful thinking.

"Mister Andrews, I'm not leaving my daughter here alone." I growl, glaring at Zayn.

"Then call one of your fucking roommates to come get her because I need you at this meeting!" He bellows, and I'm thankful that here the set up is different that at Brooke and Emma's. My office is in a different room, and Zayn's office has sound proof walls.

I roll my eyes, grabbing my phone, but it is knocked out of my hand when I am roughly slammed against the nearest wall. Looking up into Zayn's raging eyes, gulping. Well the best I can with his hand wrapped tightly around my throat.

"I built this company from the ground up. I do not allow my employees to walk all over me and disrespect me. If you want to, you can get the hell out."

Despite my past experiences, this dominance coming from him, is a huge turn on.

And I mean HUGE.

"Gladly." I spit, pushing him back. I managed to get him off, but only because he is shocked. I proceed to open the door, and only get to step about two steps out, before I'm being yanked back in by my wrist. Zayn closes the door again, pressing me against it when he leans his forehead against mine, holding both my hands.

"I'm sorry Munchkin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He whispers repeatedly, beginning to shake, making me feel super guilty so I take my hand out of his hold and begin massaging his wrist.

"It's fine. Calm down Zayn, it's okay, you're okay." I promise in a hushed voice. He pulls back, softly smiling down at me.


God I really wish just because it was soundproof to the outside of it, that we couldn't hear inside.

Just like that, the moment is ruined, and I gulp, opening the door as fast as I can, making sure to step as far away from Darcy as I can. She glares at me as I exit. As I pass, again, as far away as I can, she suddenly cries out dramatically, gripping her shoulder. Zayn comes out of his office, looking just as confused as I am.

"My God Taylor!" She shrieks.


Maggie comes out of my office, latching onto my leg immediately. She hates Darcy.

"If you hated me so much, you didn't have to injure my shoulder! Owww! Zayn-ey poo, she hurt me!" She whines. Zayn looks at me, his eyebrow raised. I simply shrug. A small smirk raises on his lips, before it is wiped off his beauti- ah, I uh, I mean, his face. Just face. Replaced with a serious expression.

"Is that true Taylor?" I gulp, not knowing what to say. "Darcy, I will have, a long, hard, very serious talk with Taylor. Bring Maggie too, this will be a great life lesson for her."

"Good." She scoffs. Strutting away to her office, yes, she works here too, much to my dismay, I silently follow Zayn into his office, Maggie hanging onto my leg. He shuts the door behind us. I sit down timidly, with Maggie on my lap.

Am I about to get fired for his stupid fiance's stupid lie? That's stupid.

Zayn sits behind his desk, staring me down, a scowl etched onto his face. I fidget in my seat, so much so that Maggie jumps off my lap, and runs over, flopping down on Zayn's lap. He looks down at her, raising an eyebrow. I get scared, going to say something about it, but I stop when a smile spreads across his face, and he begins tickling her. She bursts out laughing, squealing and squirming in his arms.

"M-mom-my! H-help!" She laugh, making me smile.

"Oh no princess, mama isn't gonna help you." He says, but the goofy way he says it makes me not feel at all threatened by him. He stops tickling Mags, making her smile up at him.

"So this is the long, hard, serious talk?" I laugh.

"It is." He states, proudly. He continues playing with my daughter, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

"Zayn?" I ask out of the blue. He hums, still smiling from their last topic. "Why if you don't seem to like her, are you engaged to Darcy?"

He tenses, sighing. "It wasn't my choice. Apparently my dad and her's, made this stupid agreement. Signed a contract and everything. According to my father, there is no way out." He groans. My heart both drops and speeds up with joy. He didn't choose it, but he can't change it.



"Mommy?" Maggie speaks.

"Yeah Maggie Bear?"

"Can Uncle Jakey and Uncle Hails come and meet daddy?"

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