Chapter thirty-five

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I huff as I look at Zayn's text. He told me he is going to lunch with his dad and bitch of a finace's dad to get ahold of the stupid contract, but should be back by 1:00. He called me the day he found out, fuming. He wanted out, but there was no way out.

The last five months, he's been distant. Secretive. He barely ever talks to me anymore, like he is busy with something, or someone else. But, he did finally tell me he is in New York, so that is nice. Apparently he is partnering company with Brooke's.

Speaking of my girlfriend, she seems to be hiding something too! Which is why, I have decided to give the new New Yorkers a visit.


New New Yorkers.

Stop Ty, this is serious stupid.

Exactly at one, being the impatient fuck I am, I call Zayn's private office line. Instead of going through his PA first, they go straight to his office. "Mister Andrews office, how may I help you?" I familiar feminine voice comes through the line. It's on the tip of my tounge, but I can't quite place it...

"Uh, this is his private line, right?" There is a pause on the other side, and then the girl clears her throat, speaking in a deeper voice.

"Uh, yeah, it is." The way she is talking reminds me of a stereotypical surfer dude. "He's out right now, so his calls come to my line. May I pass along a message?"

"Didn't you talk different like ten seconds ago?" I ask.

"Uh, voice, voice crack dude."

"Ummm... okay... Anyways, if you could just tell him Tyler Garcia will be paying him a visit, that would be great."

"Fuck!" The girl exclaims, talking how she did the first time she spoke.

"Excuse me?" 

"Uh, sorry, I uh, spilt- yeah, I spilt my coffee on myself." She laughs nervously, talking like a surfer again.

What is wrong with this chick?

"Okay... Cool, um, bye?" I hang up.

That was the weirdest thing ever, I swear to God.

"Tyler! Come on! Hurry up and pack, you'll make me and your mom late!" Did I forget to say my parents and Danny were coming with to the weird chick? Hm... Eh, I don't remember. If not, it'll just be a surprise for Z.

"Ugh, I'm coming dad! Calm down!"


I stand, pacing outside Zayn's door, waiting for him to return. He is fifteen minutes late.

Tyler is coming?! What do I do?? I can't just take Maggie out of school on such short notice!

I guess I'll just ask for a week or so off and stay home, only going out to the store, or to drop Mags off and pick her up from school.

"Woah, Munchkin, what's up?" Zayn asks, seeing me pacing and wringing my hand together. I shake my head, telling him, 'not out here,' making him unlock his door, and shut it behind us.

"Tylercalledandhescomingtonewyork." I rush out so fast not even I understood it.

Zayn puts his hands on my shoulders, crouching down to meet me at my height. "Slow down, what is wrong?"

I take a deep breath, saying, "Tyler called and he is coming to New York." His eyes widen.

"What??" He rushes away from me, stabbing the buttons on his phone harshly, holding it up to his ear. "Tyler? Where are you?" He asks frantically. "What do you mean you are already on your way? Don't you think you should have talked to me about this first??" He pauses, listening to Tyler as my heartrate increases. He's already on his way?? Zayn huffs. "I know you are my best friend Ty, but I uh," He glances up at me, sighing. "I have to get my place ready for you."

"Thank you." I mouth, to which he nods.

"Yeah. Bye. See you in a bit." He sets the phone down, rubbing his temples. "He'll be here in about fifteen minutes. Just finish up whatever you were doing before he called. Then go off early to pick up Mags," Aww, "And just don't come back." My eyes widen at his words.

"Y-you are firing me?" I ask hesitantly.

His own eyes widen, making him come closer to me and wrap his arms around me. He rests his chin on top of my head as he chuckles. "No Munchkin, I'm saying don't come back to work today." He laughs. "I'll let you work from home until he leaves. Just call me a few times a day to check in." I let out a sigh of relief, hugging his waist. With one breath, I get a large whiff of his scent, making me take a deep breath just to get more of it.

God, why did you make him not only look good, but smell good too? You spend too much time on him. Not that I'm complaining, but still.

"Are you smelling me?" Zayn asks lauging even harder, making me bury my head further into his chest out of embarrassment.

"Shut up." I grumble.

Much to my dismay, he pulls away, making me miss the warmth that radiated off of him. "Just, uh, can I um, have your eh," He coughs.

"Is, the Zayn Andrews... nervous?" I gasp. He scowls at me.

"Can I have your new number?" He huffs. He has only contacted me through my work number so far. I laugh, giving him my phone. He takes it and puts his number in it, texting himself. "Got it." He sets my phone on his desk, leaning against it and staring at me. "Why did you leave instead of telling us that bastard got you pregnant?" He asks.

I was wondering when this lovely conversation was going to come around.

"Zayn... the day the Russians came, trying to get their fucktard of a leaders even fucktard-ier son back, I realized that, that wasn't a safe environment to raise a child. At least for me. So, I ran. Figured if I told anyone it would give than an even bigger excuse to come after me. I know, I know, it was selfish, but I wouldn't have met Hailey and Jacob without it, and Maggie probably wouldn't be the person she is without it."

"Speaking of Maggie-" Not wanting to get into this conversation right now, I interupt him.

"Oh, I have to go. Tyler will probably be here soon."

I turn around abruptly, walking out and into my office, grabbing my stuff and heading to my car.

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Fuck! My phone.

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