Chapter forty-five

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Early the next morning, Brooke and I head over to Taylor's to check in on her. Brooke drives seen as I have no idea where she lives (still, I know, annoying), and since I don't have a car. Brooke knocks on one of the doors on the lowest level, which opens a few minutes later revealing Taylor in a hoodie and sweatpants, drying her hands.

"Hey, what brings you here?" She asks quietly.

"Just checking in. Wanted to see how you were doing." I reply.

"Shhh! Everyone is still sleeping!" She hushes harshly, whisper yelling. "Come on in."

"Thanks." My girlfriend says smiling, stepping past Taylor, me following close behind. Tay shuts the door, leading us into the kitchen, where she puts the towel down in the stove handle. I look around, finding freshly washed dishes sitting in a dish drainer, explaining the towel. "So what are you doing up at 5 o'clock in the morning doing housework?"

Taylor scoffs dramatically. "What, so you were just going to wake me up on my days off?" She puts a hand on her forehead, tilting her head back. "You wound me B."

"I do try." Brooke laughs. Taylor goes back to normal, sticking her tounge out at us.

"Can I get you guys anything?"

"Coffee would be wonderful." I groan.

"Didn't get any sleep last night?" She smirks, making Brooke blush.

She is so Goddamn beautiful.

"Says you." She fires back.

Taylor and I glance at each other, both equally confused, until I see Zayn coming out from the bedroom at the back of the hallway, shirtless with hickeys all over his neck and chest. "Munchkin it's too early to be up." He grunts sleepily, rubbing his eyes, yet to notice us. Taylor's eyes widen as she realizes what we saw.

"Uhh..." Taylor starts, before starting to laugh softly going back to making the coffee and pouring it into four cups.

"Fuck a duck in a truck!" Zayn exclaims, jumping when he sees us.

The fuck?

"Did... did... you just... say..." I can't even get it out before I burst out laughing. Taylor is already almost on the floor from laughing so hard and Brooke is leaning on me for support.

"Oh shut up. You scared me." He grumbles, going over to the counter where Taylor is still laughing and snatching up a cup, taking a sip. He holds out a hand for Taylor. She gets up with his help, but starts laughing as soon as she sees him again. "Stoooopppp Tayloooorr." He groans.

She doesn't stop, so suddenly, he kisses her, effectively shutting her up, and shocking the hell out of me.

"Woah! Dude! That's my sister man!" I shield my eyes from their PDA. When I peek out, Taylor is sitting silently, holding her cup of coffee, blushing furiously.

"Speaking of not sleeping..." Brooke wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"Wha..." Zayn trails off, looking in the reflection of the fridge. "Taylor!" He gasps seeing all the hickeys on his neck and chest. "Goddamn woman."

"It's your fault." Taylor grumbles into her mug.

"You guys are nasty." I huff. Brooke cocks an eyebrow at me, knowing full well what we did to her desk last night. Or should I say old desk... we make have broken it... and then had to get a new one at three o'clock in the morning... so we haven't slept.

"Mhmm, sure." Zayn butts in, slipping on a sweater that was resting on the table over his shoulders and zipping it up.

"Shut up." I stick my tounge out at him like a child.

"Mama!" A scream comes from somewhere in the apartment, followed by crying. Taylor's eyes widen, as do Zayn's, both of them running out of the room, of course after putting their steaming cups down. Brooke and I glance at each other, deciding to see what was up, and following them.

"Shh, calm down princess, we are right here." Zayn whispers to the sobbing child between him and my sister. They are both sitting side by side on her bed, Maggie sitting on both their laps.

"What happened Maggie Bear?" Taylor asks softly.

"B-b-bad d-r-rea-m." Maggie chokes out between cries and hiccups.

"Yeah? What happened babygirl?" Taylor calling her daughter 'babygirl,' reminds me of my dad always calling her that, making me realize that we should all be spending more time together before we have to go back to the Mafia.

"T-the mean st-torks attcked me mama... just like they did the princess." Mean storks? Princess? What? "I-it was so s-scary." She hiccups some more. "The s-storks didn't give me a c-chance to g-get away before they s-started a-at-ttacking m-me."

"Oh princess..." Zayn says sadly, staring between Maggie and Taylor.

I'm lost...

"Is that when you woke up?" He asks. She nods. "Well, you wanna make it a better ending?" She looks up at him from her place leaning against Taylor's shoulder, nodding hesitation. She wipes her nose on the back of her hand, settling in. "Alright. See, your gorgeous mama, learned that the storks would wanna come after you, but she would never let anyone hurt her baby, right?"

"Yeah..." Maggie agrees.

"You best know it chica." Taylor says, booping her daughter's nose, making her giggle and swat Taylor's hand away, but doesn't let Taylor take it away, instead grabs her hand, and with her free hand, holds Zayn's.

"So, before the mean storks could ever get to you, she got everyone that loves you, which is a whole lot of people by the way, I mean who couldn't love someone as adorable as you?" He also boops his daughter's nose-


His daughter?

Taylor's daughter?

Their daughter?


"She got all of them together, and they all came running in before the big birdies could ever lay a beak on you, in suits of armour, ready to attack. But you know what they found?"

By now Maggie has stopped crying, and is looking up at Zayn like he is the most majestic person ever. She is also fully planted in Taylor's lap.

"All the mean storks were already gone. You fought them off all by yourself princess. You were stronger than any of the others combined, mkay?" Maggie nods excitedly. "You can always fight off the mean storks, never let any of them tell you any different."

"Okay daddy." She yawns, slipping off of Tay's lap and onto the bed, cuddling into the pillow and falling fast asleep.

"Ty?" Brooke says quietly from beside me.

"Yeah sweetheart?"

She looks up at me, with tears in her eyes and a small smile on her face.

"I want a baby..."

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