Chapter twenty-seven

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Jacob loves❤^^

"Alright, be good for Hailey, okay Maggie Bear?"

"I will! I promise!" She holds a hand over her heart and the other in the air. "Good luck mommy!" She wraps her tiny little arms around my neck.

"Thank you sweetie. I have to go now, but I'll be back in a few hours." I promise, grabbing the folder with my resume and stuff in it, and heading on my way.

Now to pray someone likes me.


You can do this, you can do this, you can do this. Do it for Maggie.

I tell myself as I look up at the skyscraper in front of me. The other places I've been didn't like how much I've moved around, they don't think I'm a good 'asset to the company', or they have already found who they need. I've been all over the city today, just to be turned down right away.

Walking in, my heels, which are killing my feet by the way, clack against the floor as I make my way to the receptionist. "Hi." I greet, causing her to look up. Her blonde hair is in a tight bun, only two strands framing her heart shaped face, making my head hurt just looking at it.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" She asks, a genuinely cheerful smile covering her face. Two dimples appear, making her have one of those smiles that just makes you want to smile.

Giving into the temptation, I grin back at her. "I'm here for the interview? Do you think you could tell me which floor those are on?"

"Sure thing honey. Just hop on the elevator, and go to the twenty-seventh floor. Then you'll go down the hall, and go to the last door on your left. Just sit outside until Sandra calls you in. She is the head of HR, and will be conducting the interviews." She informs me. "I like you. I hope you get the job." She says, bluntly.

"I, like you too." I laugh. "Taylor." She takes my outstretched hand from over the counter.

"Winter, nice to meet you."

"You too." I reply. "So, twenty-seventh floor, and last door on the left?" I confirm. Winter smiles brightly, nodding. Bidding her a quick, see you later, I head on up to the floor, my heart racing as I think about what this job could do for my, current family. Sure they aren't my immediate family, or even blood related for that matter, but even Maggie knows them as Uncle Jakey, and Aunty Hailey. They have become my family, they don't have a choice in the matter.

I sit for what feels like an eternity, but was really only about half an hour, before yet another person has come out with a scowl on their face. "Good luck." He scoffs. "She is a bitch." I smirk at that. You wanna see a bitch? You should have seen the time Hailey was on her period, and bought about ten chocolate bars for herself, and Jacob didn't even get to take one bite of one, in the kitchen, before she came running out of the bathroom, the shower still on and her dripping water everywhere. She back handed him for touching her chocolate, and waddled her satisfied self back into the bathroom, chocolate in hand.

"Taylor Garcia?" A woman, probably late forties, early fifties, came out, speaking in a bored voice. I stand up, following her in her office. I'm halfway through shutting the door, when she says, "Shut the door behind you."

I'm half tempted to leave it open now.

Ignoring my thoughts, I shut it and join her at her desk. A plaque sits on her desk, reading  Sandra Green. Sandra flings an annoyed hand across her desk, causing me to nervously hand her my folder. She glances over it, before looking back up to me, and shrugging. "We can't accept someone who moves around this much. We need someone reliable." Shoving the folder back at me, she leans back in her chair.

No way.

"With all due respect, miss Green, I don't appreciate not being given a chance. I moved around to find my daughter a safe living environment, and I have found just that, here. I have all the requirements posted in your ad for the Private Assistant. I have a degree in business, I have a stable home, and now I need a stable job to support said home, and my daughter. I am a fighter, and I know how to get not only what I want, but what I need. I am hard working, serious when I need to be, but have some livelyhood also, adding some character to my work. So if you could look past how much I have moved in the last six years, that would be much appreciated." I snap, although my voice remains calm, as does my body.

Sandra narrows her eyes at me, studying me for a moment, before smirking. Sitting up, she reaches across the table and grabs my folder again, opening it up. After a few minutes of an uncomfortable silence on my part, she looks up. "Thank you Taylor. We'll be in contact."

She stand up, making me follow her lead. I clear my throat, trying to sound confident. I have lost quite a bit of that since I gained so much weight after I gave birth. "Thank you." I reach across to shake her hand, which she takes and nods, allowing me to leave.

I reach the elevator, collapsing against the wall when the doors close. Letting out a heavy sigh, I didn't even notice the doors opening and closing again.

"Hey Taylor. How did it go?" I open my eyes to see Winter standing next to me.

"Pretty sure I blew it." I laugh.

"No, I'm sure you did great." She laughs with me.

Let's hope so.

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