Chapter fifteen

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I walk into school, with my hood up, covering my bruised neck and mouth, at least what wouldn't cover with concealer and foundation. I haven't spoken to anyone but my brother since it I got home with Zayn last night. Everytime I'm in the same room he either completely ignores me or walks out. Without looking, I turn the corner, freezing when I hear his voice. 

"Yeah dude, you should have heard her. 'Uh, Ash, uh, harder, harder, don't stop. AHHH ASH!'" He mocks in a girly voice. "She was even begging me to let her ride me. But she's pretty overweight so it was like," He makes a noise as if all the air was knocked out of his lungs, and must stagger backwards, no doubt dramatically, because I hear his body make contact with the lockers. His friends snicker, and when I glance up, they're all pointing and laughing at me. My throat burns with tears. I rush away, heading towards the girls bathroom, when I'm suddenly yanked into an empty biology classroom. 

My eyes widen when I see who it is. "What do you want Alisha?" 

"I know what Ashton did." She says. 

I smile, obviously fake. "Ooh! Lemme guess, 'I was always right, you really are a slut.'" I mimic her. She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off. "Oh, wait, this one is better! 'I bet you'd even fuck a dog if you had to. Anything for the slut to get off.'" I snap, tears stinging my eyes again. She opens her mouth yet again, but she gets cut off again. "Oh wait no! How about-"

"Taylor! Will you just shut the hell up for a second?!" Alisha exclaims. My mouth snaps shut. "I... I know what he did. I heard Ashton and his dad talking about the forest one day, so I brought Harry out there." Harry is her current boyfriend, the linebacker on the football team. "We fought and I stormed off, when I heard screaming. I started recording it while I tried finding you. You know, to show to the police? By the time I did, he was already pulling out and you passed out. I'm so sorry Tay..." She whispers the last thing. 

I can't help the cold laugh that escapes my lips. 

"That must have been fun for you. Watching your ex friend getting sexually assaulted, huh?" 

"No! Taylor, I never... I never meant any of it. I'm so sorry." I can't stop the tears as they fall, yet again. I have never felt so weak. I feel her arms around me, as I cry into her shoulder. She rubs my back soothingly, as she used to do for any of us when we were crying. It takes me a few minutes to snap out of it, quickly pulling away. 

"No! No, no. That's not how this works Ali. You don't get to know my sob story and the four years you hated me go down the drain." I wipe my tears, pulling my hood back up. I turn around, leaving her there, but I stop before I get to the door. "Ali? Don't you dare tell anyone about this. If you do... just... don't."

"Taylor!" She makes me pause again. "You need to eat. You have no meat on your bones, it's not healthy." Without another word, I walk out, leaving her there on her own. 
I walk out of my last class, numb as ever. I haven't really felt anything since my encounter with Alisha earlier. A crowd forming catches my attention. I sneak my way threw, getting to the front as everyone around me chants, 'Fight, fight, fight,' over and over again. I gasp when I see Ashton on the ground, attempting to cover his face, as punch after punch gets delivered to him from above. Zayn stands over him, the owner of the flying fists. Tyler appears out of no where, pulling Zayn off of Ashton, with a lot of struggle. 

"Z, Z! Calm down! Jesus Christ. Let's go. Now." Tyler drags him away, but not without Zayn fighting back. 

"You fucking touch her again, you will regret it!" He calls, as Tyler drags him out of the building, just as the teachers begin running out of their rooms, helping Ashton up. He glares at me, walking past me with a limp to the nurses office. I meet Alisha's eyes, and she gives me a shy half smile. I ignore her, going after my brother and his friend. I get out just in time to hear them start talking- well, more like yelling. 

"What the hell was that Zayn?" Tyler bellows, stopping Zayn from storming off by grabbing his arm. 

Zayn runs a shaking hand harshly through his black hair. "You... You don't know. You have no idea what he did. He should be rotting in hell right now! Gah! I should have killed him myself!" His whole body begins to shake and he breathes hard as Tyler stares at him in confusion. 

"Z, what happened back there?" He asks softly, putting his hands on Zayn's shoulders.
"He shouldn't have done it. I should have stopped him. I should have known..." He breaks down, bawling into my brother's chest.

What is he even talking about?

Maybe his sister?

Probably. I mean, if Ashton did it to me, I wouldn't doubt that he would touch fifteen year old. My blood boils at the thought. Jennifer is so innocent! If he took that away I swear to God I will kill him myself. 

It hurts to see Zayn like this. I still do like like him, but even if I didn't, I've still known him forever. Tyler looks sort of uncomfortable at first, but it fades away faster than you can say Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

Okay, much faster than that, I can't even say that. Who in their right mind would make the fear of long words, so fucking long? 

"Ty, we need to clean up his knuckles and stuff." I walk up to them, shocking both. 

"C'mon buddy." Tyler leads Zayn to my car. 

Insert large sigh...

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