Chapter forty-three

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As soon as I heard what that fucktard did to my sister I was furious. How could he? How could he even be alive?

"Dani, hi." I greet my aunt over the phone. "I need you to look at the street cameras on Hugo Street, looking at the abandoned warehouse and send it to me. Thank you."

She hangs up agreeing, and I know she'll have it in no time.

"I'm staying with Taylor." Zayn announces.

"Why?" I ask.

Danny gives me an, 'Are you stupid?' look. Isn't that backwards...

Sorry sorry, jeez, just wondering.

"Oh I don't know Tyler. She just almost got assaulted by some bastard for the third time, aka the sperm donor of her child, and she already has nightmares. What do you think dipshit?"

"Goddamn. Well sor-ry." I put my hands up in defeat. He continues throwing clothes in a dufflebag, adding a lot of t-shirts for one person. Especially when he wears suits to work. "How long are you gonna be gone?" I ask shocked.

Zayn just shrugs. "I don't know. If anything I can come back for more clothes. Why?"

"Um, what's with all the t-shirts then?"

"You're dumb." Danny deadpans.

Wait what-

"Tyler, I've been giving Tay my shirts since I was 16..." Zayn states nonchalantly.

"Dude!" I exclaimed shocked. Homie say wha? "That's my sister!"

"Yeah... I thought you knew considering I liked her?" He turns to me, throwing the strap of his high end duffle back over his shoulder.

How do all his clothes fit in there?

"B-but, you always denied it!"

"Bro it was so obvious though. Even I knew!" Danny bursts out laughing. I scowl at him, going to say something, but get interrupted by my phone ringing. Looking down, I see Dani's name pop up.

"Hello?" I grumble.

"Why wasn't I informed that Taylor got taken again? Or even you for that matter? No one in the Mafia was!" She explodes.

Taylor was what?


Zayn's secretary. God I'm an idiot, it was Taylor that whole time.

That also explains the weird surfer-dude talk...

"Listen Dani, I just didn't think it was important. Zayn and my parents took care of it." I lie with a shrug, knowing she won't be able to see. In reality, I didn't want to seem weak. I train our people. I train the trainers. I lead them into battle, I take them out. It's my job to be strong for them, and they can't see me weak. "Now, what did you find?"

I hear my aunt sigh heavily on the other side, before saying, "Ashton's father came. Got him out of there."

"Fucking hell. That bastard is still alive?" I huff. Zayn's head snaps towards me, worry consuming his features. "Did you see where he went?"

"I went to a few other cameras in the city, and looked into some hotels, it looks like Mister Parker is staying in the inn at the corner of Jackson and Robinson, room 276."

"Thank youuuuuuu auntie." I say innocently in attempt to get her to forgive me for not telling her what happened.

"Mmm-hmm." She huffs, hanging up on me.

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