Chapter sixteen

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We get him into my sister's car, Taylor in the front seat, and Zayn and I in the back. Taylor somehow manages to shimmy out of her long sleeve shirt, without taking off her hoodie, throwing to back to us so that he doesn't get blood all over her baby. Her words, not mine. She soon pulls up to Zayn's house and we all go inside, finding his little brother and sister in the living room. Their eyes widen when they see him. 

"Uhh... Hey big bro. Whatcha doin' home so soon?" Jennifer asks, laughing nervously as she shuts off the TV. 

He raises an eyebrow at them, challenging them to lie to him. "I could ask you the same thing." They have a mini stare-down between the three of them, and his brother Derek, finally cracks. 

"Alright fine, we're sorry, but we really didn't want to go to school today. Some jerk's dad is coming to explain, 'How Bees Pollinate and Make Honey,' to all the grades. We have learned the same thing since third grade!"

"And? You think I wanna go to school everyday? No. But I do, so that I can take care of you while mom is working never ending shifts just to make ends meet! She got cheated on by that bastard and left with three kids, but you know what? She never once complained! She didn't even have a job you two. But, she could get one. Because she went to school, powered through the insufferable lectures, so that she could get into a good college, and become a doctor. What happens if that happened to you? Hmm?" He starts out at a normal tone, then gets significantly louder, but by the end he is sitting between them, comforting both. "I'm sorry... I know you are only in seventh and eighth grade, but if you slack off now, you'll never be able to make it in high school and college, okay?" 

If only they knew...

They nod, apologizing. Taylor bites back a smile. Suddenly she pokes me. "Tyler." She whispers. "Did you know that somewhere, that thing over there has a heart?" She 'gossips,' like a ten year old. I snort, laughing loudly at her remark. 

"I had no idea." I reply, making her laugh. At this point we have their attention. "TayTay, stay with them, I'll go get, 'that thing over there,' cleaned up." I mock her, making her gives me a distasteful look and stick her tounge out at me. 

"That thing over there? Munchkin, you wound me." Zayn holds a hand over his heart dramatically, making Taylor smirk. I scowl at the nickname. Zayn and I leave to his bathroom, when I realize that I need a cloth, which is in the laundry room. I move back through the hallway, about to go into the living room to go through the kitchen to get to the laundry room, when I hear Taylor speak, causing me to pause. 

"Jenny, you haven't been touched in any... inappropriate ways, have you?" She asks, making me furrow my eyebrows.

The hell...? 

"Nope. None of that rubbish. I know how to defend myself." She laughs. "Why?" 

"No reason." Taylor says. She's probably just trying to figure out who Zayn freaked out on Ashton earlier. Speaking of, I should ask him about that...
Ugh. These have been the longest three weeks of my life.

Ever since Taylor came home that Sunday night crying, she's been distant. She doesn't come out of her room, she barely talks to her friends, or me. Not even our dad can get something out of her. Mom, dad, Dani, Owen, Brad, Maria, Zayn, me, NO one, can get a peep out out of on why she is acting as she is. She's been purposely getting detention so she can be away from us. Although now we are on winter break so she can't do that anymore.

Anyway, today, while I am gaming with Zayn, I manage to hear her bedroom door opening. I fly out of my room, sadly dying in the process, but she is my first priority. 

"Where are you going?" I ask as soon as I reach the hallway. Taylor freezes, slowly turning to face me. 

"Uhm- no where." She tells me. Too fast. 

"Taylor." I use a disapproving father voice. 

"It's not important!" She snaps harshly. 

Taylor cringes at the sound of our father's voice. "If it wasn't important, you would tell us."

She just barely meets his murderous gaze, looking down and whispering, "Gynecologist." My eyes widen, as do our dad's. 

"You're having sex?!" He shouts, it echoing no doubt throughout the house. She shakes her head slightly. "Then why?" 

"I... I think..." When she glances up sadly at us, I see tears pooling in her eyes and I want nothing more than to go and hug her, but something stops me. "I think I'm pregnant." She barely even whispers. It's so weird to see her like this. 

"Excuse me?" I didn't even notice my mom joining us until she spoke. 

"So you are having sex!" My dad accuses. 

They turn to leave, and I just stare at Taylor in shock. What? She squeezes her eyes shut tightly as she says, "It isn't my fault." My dad spins around faster than I've ever seen anyone do. 

"Really? So what happened then?" 

"I..." She trails off, finally shaking her head after a few moments. "Nevermind. I'm sorry." Our dad goes to speak when another voice cuts in. 

"No Taylor, do tell. What ever could you mean?" Taylor's eyes snap up to Zayn who is leaning against my doorway. 

"Nothing Zayn! You don't know anything!" She glares at him through her unfallen tears. 

Zayn taps his chin as if thinking. "Really? Because I really think that I know a few damn things!" He growls, his eyes cold and face red suddenly. Tay's eyes widen to the size of saucers as he holds up his phone, tapping a few buttons on it. 

"Wait no! Don't-" She gets cut off by sound coming from his phone. 

"Please! Stop! ASHTON PLEASE NO!" Scream after scream comes from the tiny speaker, the undeniable scream of my sister. Taylor staggers back, shaking her head as her lip trembles.

All of us stare at the spot she was, before it registers that she began running down the stairs, but by the time we get outside after her, her car and her are gone.

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