Chapter forty

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I won't lie and say I wasn't upset about Tyler's reaction to seeing me last night, because I was. God I'm so stupid. I run for six and a half years and expect the first time to see them all sunshine and rainbows.

On the plus side I can go to work again.

"Bye Maggie Bear. Have a good day at school." I smile the best I can at my little angel.

"Bye mama!" She calls back as she exits my car.

With a sigh, I make the trek to work, thankful I don't have to make up a whole bunch of work since I worked at home. I grab Zayn a coffee on the way, bringing it up to his office. When I knock and get a robotic 'come in,' from the speaker outside, I walk in. Since his office is soundproof he has a set up where he can press a button and call anyone from a specific speaker.

"Good morning." I greet, setting the coffee down next to him. Zayn finally looks up from his computer, seeing the cup, making his hand shoot out and grab it, bringing it to his lips and taking a big swig.

He pulls it away with a huge smile on his face. "Oh how I've missed you coming in."

I can't help but laugh at that. "I'm sure you have."

"No no, I'm serious. 'Yelling' at you gives me an excuse to get away from Darcy." He puts air quotes around the word yelling, making me crack a smile.

A surprisingly real smile.

"It's good to be back." I tell him.


A scowl crosses my face. "Nevermind. I'm going back home."

With that I begin to walk to the door.

"No! No no no no no no! Taylor! Munchkin don't you dare- and you did it. You fucking did it." Zayn huffs, making me laugh on my way out of his office, frowning immediately out of his presence.

"Oh look who's back." The sickly sweet voice of Darcy makes said frown deepen.

"Damn. The cat couldn't even catch a bird, instead it had to drag in a gold digger." I grunt quietly in response. She stops walking, turning towards me and scoffing.

"At least I don't have a kid yet."

Oh no no.

Do not poke the mama bear, about her cub.

Or you done fucked up.

"Excuse me?" I ask rhetorically.

"I mean, what, did you get her from the dump? Or a shitty bathroom fuck?" She scoffs again, picking boredly at her nails.

"Insult my daughter again, I dare you." I growl, stepping close to her. Darcy looks up, fear evident in her eyes, as she gulps.

"I- I uh..." She clears her throat straightening out with a smirk. "If she got in a fight with a boulder, she'd probably wi-"

At this point I'm ready to sock this bitch all the way to China, but someone stops me. "Darcy. Say one more bad thing about her, or Taylor, you can forget your stupid contract, I don't care about the consequences. Ya know what? Forget the contract. Precious daddy's business? Your chuck in his money? Gone. Just like that." Zayn sneers. Her jaw drops.

"B-but- yo-you'll lose daddy's partnership! You'll lose BeBe and EmEm's partnership too!"

"Oh honey, we go way back. And if I ever have to hear BeBe or EmEm ever again, I will chop my ears off." A new voice comes from my left. I gulp when I see not only B, Em, and Ali standing there, but Winter, Tyler, Danny, and my parents too. Brooke was the one who spoke.

"Get out." Zayn demands.

"No! You can't do this!"

"Get out Darcy. You are fired."

"Brooke, you'll let me work for you right? Emma?" She asks desperately.

Brooke raises her eyebrow as Emma speaks. "You should have known she meant the world to us the moment you met her." Darcy screams out in frustration.

Fuck. Ow.

Well if we didn't have the whole floor's attention, we definitely did now.

"You can't seriously be choosing this bitch over me!"

Glancing over, my parents looks livid, but Tyler is the one to step forward.

"Call my sister a bitch again, and your trust fund will be the least of your concerns. I am the only one that gets to call her that. And it wasn't some shitty bathroom fuck, it was a forced forest fuck, you wack ass hoe." He mocks her.

I pretty sure my jaw is literally on the floor right now.

Darcy sends me one last deadly glare, before stomping off, into the elevator.

Don't grab your stuff then, okay.

Zayn motions for them to follow him, as he grabs my wrist gently tugging me behind him into his office. Behind closed doors, Tyler turns towards Brooke. "You knew! You knew and you didn't tell me!"

"Ty, I'm sorry, but it was for Maggie's safety-"

"Oh so you know the bastard's kid too!"

"Tyler knock it off. It was my fault. Zayn, the girls, it was all me. If you wanna get mad at anyone for protecting my child, then be mad at me-"

"Trust me, I am." Tyler cuts a sharp glare towards me.

I ignore his commentary. "And she is more Zayn's daughter than she will ever be his."

It goes silent for a few moments, before Winter, who I forgot was even here, speaks. "I... feel like I'm missing something."

I can't help but laugh at her words.

"Wait... forced? Maggie..." She trails off.

"Forget about it. Really. It was a long time ago." I tell her, letting out a shakey breath as I think of just a few nights ago. The digusting feeling of his hands on me. His hot breath on my ear as he tells me it won't be as much fun this time because of how fat I am. My clothes tearing.

"Taylor. Zayn. What is wrong with you two?" I snap out of it, at the sound of an irritated Tyler's voice. Glancing over at Zayn, confused, I find him standing there, tense. He slowly looks over to me.

"You... Me.... I... Maggie? Dad?" The words tumble out of his mouth awkwardly.

God he is adorable sometimes.

I softly smile at him, unable to shake the memories now.

God I hate Ashton.

Zayn seems to remember how to function properly, as he smiles at me for a moment before going straight faced and turning to Tyler. "You can't defend her and then get pissed that she is here."

"Says who?" He scoffs.

"Everyone." They all say at once, making him scowl.

"Whatever." Tyler huffs. "Just because I said she couldn't call Taylor a bitch doesn't mean I'm happy she is here."

"You called her your sister son." My dad tells him, as my mom hooks her elbow through his, making a ghost of a smile appear on his lips.

Ah, young love.

"By blood she is." Tyler defends. "But a sister wouldn't run the second she found herself in one little predicament."

Oh hell no.

A/n: as I'm editing this, I keep coming across where it says 'me' instead of 'my' and all I can think about doing is adding an 'arrrrrr mate-ies' after it😭😂

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