Chapter one

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This Beauty is Taylor^^
"Taylor!!" I hear a bellow from upstairs, making me laugh. 

"Alright, that's my cue, bye guys." I kiss both my parent's cheeks, grabbing my bag and running to the entryway. 

"Taylor Marie Garcia, what did you do?" My father calls after me. 

"You'll see!" I open the door, catching a glimpse of my brother. 

"Taylor! Come back here!" He yells, running down the stairs so fast he slips and falls. I laugh harder, rushing out the door and into my 1970 dark purple Dodge Challenger. Aka my baby. You touch her, I shoot you in the legs. Simple as that. I start it, speeding out of the driveway when Tyler comes running at me, green hair and all. I get to the school before him, happy when my two best friends come up to me. 

"Oh em gee hi!" Emma squeals.

Emma Stevenson is your typical nice popular girl. She has the blonde straight as a stick hair, blue eyes, button nose, perfect pink lips. 

"Hey bitch." My other best friend winks.

Ah yes, Brooke Parker. We've been best friend since she moved here when she was going into first grade. Emma and I are seniors, where as Brooke should be, a junior, but miss smarty pants skipped sixth grade. Em is popular because she's super nice to everyone, and really, I mean really pretty, but Brooke and I are popular because we are your stereotypical bad girls. At least that's what everyone says. I cringe anytime I've associated myself with the title.

"Hey girlies. It's been forever." I groan. They both laugh. 

"It was just over summer." Emma points out. I shrug.

"Any news?" I ask as we walk into the school. 

"Well, the only thing I know is my brother coming to school here." Brooke says. 

I think for a moment, trying to recall him.

"The one who got shipped off to some posh boarding school in England?" She nods. "Alright." I shrug. "What are your schedules?" We all compare our schedules, celebrating when we have four of six classes together.

Luckily though, Tyler and I got the same exact schedule. 

Or not so lucky. 

About five minutes into introductions, the door flies open, slamming hard against the wall. "Taylor Marie Garcia I swear to God I am going to beat your a-" My green haired brother gets cut off by the strict teacher, Miss Ferrow. It's a wonder why she never got married, such a lovely woman.


"Ah, you must be Tyler Garcia. Would you mind explaining why you are fuve minutes late to my class, and causing such a commotion?" He simply points to his hair with one hand and me with the other. I raise a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him as he glares. 

"Yes darling brother? I personally like the green, but it kind of clashes with your outfit. Maybe a blue would be better?" I squeal at my next thought. "Ooh! I should do blue next time! Or maybe that would be better in your body soap. Then you could be a smurf!" I suggests, leaning back in my seat and crossing my arms innocently. 

He makes a noise, reminding me of Maya from Girl Meets World, before he goes to run at me. "Mister Garcia! Have a seat." The teacher snaps. "And also, one week of after school detention." Tyler huffs, giving me the finger as he passes, sitting right behind me.

Throughout class, I feel Tyler poking me with a pen, but when he puts the actual tip against the back of my neck, hard, I get up with a shreak. I begin cursing him out in spanish before the bitc- teacher. I mean teacher, interrupts me. "Miss Garcia. Detention today." 

"B-but it was his fault!" I don't really care about getting detention, but my father always told me to stand up for what was right, and Tyler getting away with this, was not. 

"Alright." I sigh in relief. "One week for you too." She decides. My jaw drops, but before I can do anything the bell rings. I turn and glare at my smirking brother.

"Paybacks a bitch." He pats my shoulder as he walks by. I quickly grab my stuff, and run after him. 

"Tyler! That wasn't fair! That was your fault asshole!" I shout down the hall. I ignore all the looks I'm getting, running and shouting. I hear my name behind me, so I turn to glance at my friends running up to me. 

"Finally!" Emma huffs when she reaches me. I laugh, looking back at her flushed face. Did I mention she's really out of shape?

"Haha sucker." I snicker. She sticks her tounge out at me. 

"Wait, Tay watch-" Suddenly I hit something hard, so hard that I lose my balance and almost fall, but two strong arms come out and catch me. "-out." Brooke sighs. Why did I fall? I've been trained not to! 

I glance up and see a fine specimen. He has brown, shaggy hair, currently hanging down over me due to our position. He has dull, dark blue eyes, and a slightly crooked nose, leading down to full lips. He's really good looking, but not as good as-

"Alright, that's enough of that." I'm roughly pulled away. I guess I didn't realize how long I'd been staring. 

"Tyler!" I protest. He sends a glare over his shoulder. 

"First day and you're already causing trouble." Brooke sighs. That's when the realization hits. They both have dark brown hair, and Brooke has dark blue eyes also, just with a lot more livelihood mixed in. 

"Ah, so this is the male Parker?" I ask, going to stand by my friends.

He bows. "In the flesh. And who might you be, babydoll?" 

"She, is my sister, that has to get to class." Tyler drags me away. 

"Tyler! Knock it off. You're being rude." I tug against his grip on my wrist, but he doesn't let up.

"Don't go and get involved with guys like him. They'll get your hopes up and watch as they come crashing down. 

"Oh like you?" I snap, ripping away from him, once we are in our next class. Emma and Brooke follow, from what I can see. He looks shocked. "Oh please Ty. Don't act like I don't see how you are with girls. Quite frankly, it disgusts me. You use them, and then use some lame excuse to break up with them. 'Oh sorry, my sister doesn't like you.' 'Oh sorry, my dog died, I think I need some time to myself.' 'I'm not really feeling it anymore.' It disgusts me. You, disgust me Tyler." My shouts echo throughout the hallways, but I don't care. 

"Tay I'm-" I cut off his guilty apology. 

"Save it. I'll see you later." With that, I run out of the school, skipping the first day. 

A/n: I know this isn't good but please please please give it a chance, in my opinion in gets much better

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