Chapter thirteen

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 ~Taylor~ TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!
Pick me up? I send to Ash right when I get behind closed doors. He immediately answers, saying he's on his way. I smile and quickly get dressed. Ashton and I have gotten really close over the past two months. Most people think I like him, but as depressing as this sounds, I still am not over Zayn. I still have a huge crush on him. I slip out of my room, sneaking quietly down the stairs to avoid the currently fighting people. "Hey." I slip into his car with a smile. 

"Hi beautiful." He kisses me on the cheek, before pulling away. "So what's up?" He asks, glancing over at me. 

"Just my brother. Our friends were all crashing in my bed so Zayn and I went and slept on the floor but apparently he moved us to Tyler's bed. Ty woke me up and basically called me a slut and then said he wished I had never been born." I explain slowly, finally letting everything sink in myself. By the time I finish, we are already pulled up to a large house. 

"I'm sorry Tay. I'm sure he'll get over it. Don't cry." I hadn't even noticed I was until he swiped them off of my cheeks. "C'mon. I'll introduce you to my family." 

"I already know your mom and sister." I laugh, stepping out of the car with him. He chuckles.

"Stepmom and stepsister. Plus my dad." I nod. "Dad I'm back!" Ash calls. He leads me he some stairs from the entrance and into a living room. My eyes widen when I see the woman in the room. 

"Misses Anderson..." I say softly. 

How did I not recognize the house?

"Parker now dear. It's so lovely to see you again! It feels like it's been forever!" She stands up, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. 

"Right... Well uh, this is my stepmom Coleen, and this is my father Micheal. My stepsister is out right now but her name is-"

"Alisha. Yeah, we used to be friends." I send a small smile towards him. "And Mister Parker, it's lovely to meet you." I cast my hand out, allowing his to shake it. "I'm Taylor Garcia, a friend of Ashton's." I say politely. His jaw ticks as I speak, so I back off. We spend the rest of the day hanging out in his room, before his dad comes in. 

"Ashton, why don't you show her that spot in the woods?" He suggests, giving Ash a pointed look. 

"Uhm..." He casts a quick glance my way, before nodding. "Let's uh, let's go." I say goodbye to the mother of my use-to-be best friend and his father. Then Ash and I head out in his car. 

"So where is this spot in the woods?" I ask, making conversation. 

"It's just a forest. I found this really secluded spot, looking out over Bee Lake. It's awesome because no one can see you. Unless they got there of course, but I've been coming here for years and I've never seen anyone." 

"Sounds fun." I smile, but something seems off here. We arrive, and Ash drags me to a spot right in the middle. We lay down, looking up at the sky, full of stars overlooking everything. Then if you sat up, you would see it all reflected on the lake, through a few trees. "Its beautiful." I sigh happily, turning my head to look at Ash who is still laying next to me. 

"It is." He says, but he's looking at me, not up. I blush, turning away. Suddenly he is on top of me, straddling my waist. "It's true." He says, then leans down, kissing me harshly. I try to pull away, but my head in locked onto the ground. 

"Ash, what are you doing?" I mutter against his lips, pushed on his chest in attempt to get him away. "Ash, stop." I say louder. 

"No!" He growls, slapping me. My face flings to the side. Right now, I really wish I didn't starve myself, or the few times I do eat, throw it up right after. I'm so weak right now. He wraps his hand around my neck, squeezing. 

"Ash stop!" I shout. 

"Shut up!" He yells, squeezing tighter and ripping my shirt off down the front. 

"What... are you doing?" I gasp out through his grip. 

"Whatever I want!" He rips my leggings off in one swift movement, and I'm powerless to stop him. He pushes my lavender bra down, revealing my breasts, which he gropes tightly.
"Ashton stop! Please!" I beg, yelling. It echoes across the lake. Without warning, my panties are pushed to the side and he thrusts in harshly, making me scream out in pain. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. "Ashton! Please, please stop! Please! I don't want this!" I cry out. He ignores my pleas, continuing to harshly thrust in and out.

Despite what it may seem like right now, I am no virgin, but I don't exactly appreciate getting raped. I've only ever slept with two people, one being Zayn, I know I know, wrong, whatever, but still. I also know that this whole started with me getting offended over something Tyler said about me sleeping with Zayn, but I'm not some whore. Zayn was my first, the only other person was a nerd named Oliver when I was mad at Zayn. Stupid, I'm aware.

And the only reason I've ever slept with anyone is it's always in the dark so they can't see my disgusting body.

It doesn't help that I don't want this so I'm not... lubricated at all.

Or that I'm still sore from a few days ago with Zayn.

"Shut up bitch!" He clamps a hand over my mouth, removing it from my breast. I scream against his hand, begging him over and over to stop. He never does though.

It eventually gets a bit better, whether that's because of blood or just regular bodily functions, I'm not sure.

By the time he finally finishes and pulls out, I can already feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head. 

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