Chapter twenty-nine

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This is Darcy😖^^

Her head pops up at the speed of light. "T-Taylor." She chokes out, surprisingly loud. At the sound, the two doors on either side of us fly open. Looking back and forth between them, my throat goes dry.

"Brooke... Emma..." I mutter, completely shocked. "I...I-" I shake my head, backing up, attempting to get out, but before I can, my wrist is roughly grabbed.

"Oh no you don't. Not again." Brooke says harshly. "You aren't leaving me again without an explanation."

I gulp, nervously.

"B..." I don't get anything else out, before three pairs of arms are wrapped tightly around me, making tears come to my eyes yet again.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry. Come on Taylor, don't fucking cry.

Suddenly they all pull away, my my head is flung to the side. A stinging sensation breaks out across my cheek, making me rub it in attempt to soothe the pain, as I look over at Emma. "That," She states, "Is for leaving without saying goodbye or giving anyone a reason." I just stare at her in shock.

"God damn woman. You've got one hell of an arm."

She smiles, hugging me again. "I miss you Tay."

"I miss you guys too." I laugh.

Brooke clears her throat, making us pull away.

"Speaking of..." She begins. "Why did you leave?" That made my heart race. How the hell do I tell them that I have a daughter, and B has a niece?

"Ha ha, well about that... you see..."


"WHAT?!" I cringe at the collective scream.

I had asked if I could leave for an hour, to get the Maggie's school and back, and just stay an extra hour to make up for it, just leaving where I was going out, until they asked why. That's when I told them about Mags, and that is how they reacted.

"B-but we thought since you didn't tell us, you weren't pregnant..." Ali trials off.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done it, but I was scared she would get hurt. So I fled. I've been running around since, trying not to get caught by anyone." A sudden thought crosses my mind, making my head snap over to Brooke. We are currently sitting in her office. "B... You can't tell Tyler I'm here. Please." I beg.

"You can't seriously believe that I won't tell him, right?" Brooke asks, her mouth agape.

"Yeah, I can. Maggie is in school now, I can't keep moving around, but it's not safe for anyone in the Mafia to know about her. My child's life is on the line right now and I need you to accept that and keep a secret from your boyfriend." I snap, harsher than I meant to, but it seems to get through to her, as she slowly nods.

"Fine." Glancing at the clock, she pops up. "C'mon. We have a lunch to get to." Alisha and Emma follow Brooke out, while I sit there feeling awkward. What do I do now? "You coming?" Brooke's voice suddenly comes back in the room.


"Yes weirdo, hurry up." She laughs, coming over and dragging me out to a car. Once we are seated and on the way, I speak up.

"So who's the lunch with?"

"Our friend, Darcy. She keeps wanted us to meet her fiance, so we finally set up a date. And now she can meet our bestie." Brooke squeals the word bestie like a valley girl, but I can tell she really meant it, making me laugh. Ya know after so many years of knowing them, even if they aren't the lovey dovey type, you still know they mean it with the joking words they use. "Let's go." She says.

I follow them, smoothing out my dress pants and black blazer. Taking a deep breath, I calm when I feel Emma put her hand on my shoulder. She's done it to calm me down since we first met.

"Oh em gee hi girls!!" Someone suddenly shrieks. I turn my head when we stop, to see someone, probably about ten years older than me. She has brown, curly hair, with brown eyes. She is pretty skinny, round hips, with large breasts.

Everything I'm not.

"Hey Darce." Ali says. "This is Brooke's new assistant and an old friend of ours, Taylor."

"It's nice to meet you Darcy." I smile the best I can. Something about her just irks me.

"You too!!" She screeches again. It takes everything in me not to cringe. With that, we are seated. B sat next to Darcy, who has an empty chair next to her, across from me. I sat on the other side, next the Emma and Alisha, who are holding hands under the table.

So cute!!!!

"Sorry, my fiance had to go potty." She says.

Potty? Really?

I stopped saying that to Maggie... well, I never said it to her. I hate the word. It's childish and stupid. In my opinion at least.

"So are you going to tell us who this mystery fiance is yet?" Emma asks.

"Nope. Oh, here he comes! Babe! Over here!!" She stands up, walking behind me and dragging someone up to the table. "Girls, this is my fiance, Zayn Andrews.


Did she just say...


No she didn't. She couldn't have.

But as I look over, my throat goes dry. I look him up and down, a mixture of excitement and dismay taking over me, when I find it is in fact, my brother's friend.

My eyes lock with his own mesmerizing orbs. He looks just as shocked and confused as I am. I don't even realize the two are moving until Zayn is right across from me.

"Tay-" He begins to whisper but I cut him off.

I put my hand out over the table, saying, "Nice to meet you Mister Andrews." Anger flashes across his features as I say this, but it's gone as soon as it came, although it doesn't stop it from swarming around his eyes.

"Yeah." He bites out.

"Oh don't be so silly!" Darcy laughs, hitting his chest playfully.

Bite me bitch.

"These are my friends-"

"Yeah, I know. We are business partners." Zayn grunts, his eyes never leaving me.

We are what now?

"Oh..." Darcy says quietly, before going back to her annoyingly chipper self. "Well, this is BeBe's new assitant Taylor... uh, Taylor."

Bebe? Are we sure she's older than me? Maybe she just didn't age well and she's only eighteen?

"Nice meeting you Taylor." He sneers. Well than.

Em is the first to snap out of the shock of Zayn being her fiance.

Zayn... is her... Fiance.

Holy fucking shit.

Zayn is engaged.

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