Chapter thirty-four

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"W-what?" I stutter, shocked.

"Can Jakey and Hailey meet daddy?" Maggie repeats.

She has known him for two months...

Looking to Zayn, I find him eyes gleaming, a ghost if a smile if his face, but he shakes his head, a frown crossing his features. "Princess..." He whispers. "I'm not yo-"

"Maggeroo, why don't we go call Hails and Jacob too see if they wanna come check out the office." I cut Zayn off.


I'm not sure.

Maggie squeals, running over to the door and trying to get it open, but it is heavier so she isn't able to, making me laugh. "Here." I open the door for her, making her run out and into my office.

"Munchkin...." I hear from behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see Zayn, looking back at me awfully confused and lost. I give him a small smile, but don't say anything. Walking back to my office, I find Maggie bouncing up and down excitedly. Laughing, to make her happy, I call Hailey, to have her tell me all the shoots today were canceled so they'll be there in twenty minutes.

Well fuck.

I didn't think they'd actually come.

In the meantime, I add different things to Zayn's calendar, like the fact that he has lunch plans a week from today, and that he has to pick two unknown people from the airport the day before. It'a marked as extremely important, which is odd.

Just as I get the text from Hailey that they are here, I hear a- sadly- familiar squeal outside. "Hailey Stone is here with Jacob Stone, that really hot photographer!! I bet they are here to take a picture of me!" Comes Darcy's voice. I smirk, going out and into the elevator with Maggie, down the the lobby, where I find my friends waiting.

"Auntie Hails!" Maggie exclaims excitedly, running into her arm.

"Hey sweetie." She laughs.

I give them a general tour, not very specific, but enough to stall. In case he gets mad I brought Zayn a coffee. Cause when he gets mad, he gets mad. I almost get to my office without a Darcy interaction.

Almost being the keyword.

"Alright, I'm here. Just make sure to get my right side." She sticks her hip out, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Jacob gives me a side glance, making me smirk. When he turns back to her, confused, I bite my lip to stop from laughing. "Uh, what?" He asks.

"You're here to take my picture, right?" Darcy replies in a 'duh' tone.

"Um, no? We're here to hang out with our best friend..." He trails off. She looks to Hailey, seeing my daughter in her arms. A frusterated scream/huff thing, leaves her mouth, before she stomps off. Not able to contain my laughter anymore, it comes bubbling out as I make my way into my office, closing the door behind everyone. "Well doesn't she seem lovely!" Jacob squeals sarcastically.

"Mm, yes, quite the angel." I add.

"That's the big scary lady that was mean to mama." Maggie butts in. I had already told them about Darcy implying I was a slut. Maggie runs away, over to her backpack, and begins coloring again. I had to stay late today because of the meeting I was supposed to go to, but then it was canceled so I just stayed anyways.

"So why did you really call us here?" Hailey asks. I sigh, sitting down on the edge of my desk.

"I don't know what to do. Mags asked if we could have you two meet 'daddy,' her words, not mine. She thinks my boss is her dad! He looked so damn happy to have her believe that, but then started to tell her that he wasn't, but I cut him off and had you guys come. Do I tell her that he isn't her dad, or do I let him stay that way?" I ramble, looking anywhere but my friends.

"How old is he?" Jacob asks.

"Um..."  I pause to do the math. "He'll turn 26 in two months, which is three months before I'll turn 25."

"That's not bad. I say go for it."

"Jacob! Tay, you have to be rational about this. Do you really think either could handle it if we had to move again?" My heart clenches at the thought.

I sigh, opening my mouth to speak, but get cut off by a familiar beep. "Taylor, please come to my office. And bring your... friends, too." Zayn's voice comes through the little speaker. I huff.

"Daddy!!" Maggie shouts excitedly. She runs out, and straight through Zayn's open door. Hailey shoots me a look. I follow her and Jacob out, shutting my door behind me. Out of habit, I shut Zayn's door too. I stand next to Jacob who is staring at Zayn with wide eyes.

"Well damn. He can be my daddy anytime." He states, apparently too loud as Zayn chuckles, making Jacob's cheeks turn red.

Damn that laugh though...

"Uh, these are my friends Hailey and Jacob Stone. Guys, this is my boss, Mister Andrews." I sort of introduce them.

"Wait, the Hailey and Jacob Stone?" He asks, finally looking away from Maggie who I laying on his couch with her back where you sit and her feet in the air, propped up on the back, and glancing over them, and glaring at me for the use of his last name.

Fuck I forgot the coffee.

"That's us." Hailey grunts, apparently not being a fan of Zayn.

"It's lovely to put a face to the name." He tells them, sticking his hand out. Jacob literally looks like he is about to faint when he shakes his hand. He goes over, and holds his hand out for Hailey, and she looks at it for a bit, but he doesn't pull away. She smirks, shaking his hand. When he drops her hand, he looks over his shoulder at Maggie, still hanging upside down.

Shit I should get her right side up. Right? I don't honestly know... I'm not a very good parent.

I sigh at the thought.

I do try, hard, but I kind of raised myself, with the help of Tyler. Sure, I know my mom cared, and tried, but we never really fit together. Then when my dad got us, he raised me more, but he was also so invested in making up time with my mom that by the time anyone really cared, I was already grown up.

"Princess." Zayn groans, taking me away from my thoughts. "C'mon, sit up." He walks over to her. She crosses her arms, staring up at him. It looks sort of weird though since her arms are almost up at her chin because of how she is laying. "Do you need to have a little visit from someone?" He asks in a joking disapproving dad voice.

"Who?" Maggie asks confused.

A smile spreads across his face as he kneels down by her, looking as if he is going to tell her, but instead exclaims, "The Tickle Monster!" And begins tickling her stomach. She glides onto his legs, the way he was making her fall very gentle and lovingly. Once she is tucked onto his lap, screaming and giggling, begging him to stop, he picks her up like a baby, before spinning around in circles making her squeal in joy.

I smile at the sight.

I'm gonna stop this right here cause in the actual chapter, excluding the author's note, there is 1234 words and i don't want to mess that up😂

What are y'all thinking so far? Please let me know😊

Love y'all!❤

(Now there is 1,280 lol)

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