Chapter twenty-five

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"B, why do you know that? You aren't in it are you?" Taylor asks, obviously hurt at the thought of her best friend betraying her like that. 

"Do you remember, when he and my father first came? They came over for dinner, and I said they wouldn't be telling us anything, since we haven't talked since they moved away? They moved away, because we didn't like what they did. We knew..." She explains.

Taylor let's out a huge sigh of relief, going over and hugging all three of her friends. "I'm sorry for not tell you guys." She whispers. Danny squeals, going over and joining the hug.


When did he wake up? 


When they pull away, Emma doesn't let go. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She repeats, over and over again. Taylor chuckles softly. 

"It's okay Em, it's okay." 


"Send Ashton back. Show them not to fuck with the Garcia's" Taylor growls, before stomping up to her room. Shrugging, my dad, Brad, Zayn, and myself all go downstairs to see the devil himself. Danny is hanging out with the girls, and they are all in Emma's room, keeping her company. 

When we reach him, I open the door, letting us slip in before shutting it again. Turning on the secret light we have, in one of the wall panels, I gag at the sight of him. Brad and my father promptly turn around, barfing at the sight. Zayn seems to be unaffected, although he looks semi proud. Odd. 

⚠️gore warning⚠️

It appears that Taylor sawed off a few of his fingers, two from each hand. Many carvings litter his stomach and arms. He has a few knives still lodged in his legs, nothing too serious I don't think, but enough to cause horrible pain and some damage. Blood is dried all over his broken, mostly naked body. The only thing he is wearing is a pair of underwear, which are... soaked with more blood? Finally looking at his face, it's one giant bruise, except for what is sticking out of his open mouth. 

Oh my dear Lord. 

She cut off his dick.


I gag again, and my dad and Brad vomit for about the eighth time between the two. We've only been down here for about five minutes. 

The only reaction Z has now, is a slight look of disgust, but a proud glimmer stays in his eyes.


Wait a minute. This blood is dry. And she never left our sight after she found out about him...

"Did anyone tell Tay about him before Brooke?" My dad voices my thoughts.

When everyone denies it, my eyebrows furrow.


I guess she knew before we knew she knew.

Too many knew's.

Half an hour later, he is being loaded into a truck, screaming in pain, and shipped back to his father, as per Taylor's orders. That girl is damn scary. 

"Hey dad, I'm shocked you threw up." I smirk. He huffs and ignores my comment other than that. 

"Tyler, go tell your sister he is gone." 

I nod at my father, giving him a mock salute, to which he scowls and waves me off. I huff, eerily matching my dad's, as I climb the stairs. Why don't we get a Goddamn elevator?

"TayTay, he's gone. You sure did a number on him. Even dad and Brad-" I open my sister's bedroom door, to an empty space. Looking around, I glance over the bathroom. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "TayTay?" I call out again, wondering where she could be. 

Maybe she went on an assignment I didn't know about?

Deciding to go with the possibility, I go over to the top of her dresser. When I reach over to grab the secret safe disguised as a stereo, it shakes. 

That's odd...

Opening the box with her code, 20201918, standing for TTSAG, that standing for Taylor, Tyler, Sofia, Adrian, Garcia. All of our names.
I find her locket that I gave her on our eighteenth birthday, missing, and only one of her three handguns missing, in its place a folded up piece of paper. Unable to help myself, I reach in, grabbing it. I feel my world come crashing down around me as I read it. 

Hey bro... I'm sorry. I have to go. It isn't safe to stay. I love you so much Ty. You are the best brother I could have ever asked for. Trust me when I say this... This has nothing to do with you. You are always so helpful, despite however many fights we get in. 
Please, don't try to find me, when I don't want to be found. You'll probably hate me after this anyways and not want to anyway. Please tell everyone I'm sorry. Tell Emma that she can beat this, tell Brooke to pull on her big girl panties and ask you the fuck out. Tell Alisha thank you, for everything. Tell Danny he is such a sweetheart and let him know I promise to start eating more. Tell mom and dad that they are the best parents I could ever ask for. Tell everyone in the mafia that they are awesome and to keep up the kick ass work.
I love you Ty. Never forget that. You are the best...big... brother ever. You're the best twin ever. 
Love always, Taylor.

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