!! Author's note !!

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Hello! If you have decided to read my fanfiction, here are some things you'll need to know!

First off- This fanfic is an alternate universe, of course. It takes place before the end would of happened-before Tord left in canon. So it's, just like eddsworld, but many things are different-as you will find out whilst reading this. 

Second off-I'm not a 7 year-old smut writer, so don't worry about rape, random sexual words that I don't understand, or me losing motivation and ringing the wedding bells. Fuck that-this is an actual story, with an actual plot-other than get-right-to-the-shit. 

Third off-this story will start out all sunshine lollipops and rainbows, and then it's going to drop down straight to hell. So, prepare yourself for that. (I'm talking about the intensity and importance level of what's happening-for those who didn't understand.) 

Fourth off- Tell me in the comments-don't be shy-if there are any mistakes, I don't want incorrect or misspelled words or phrases-which are very rare, I proofread my 'chapters' multiple times before posting- to take you away from the story. But know-prior to the posting of the 'chapters', I make sure every paragraph is necessary to the story, even give you some cheesy shit-or fluff-every so often.

Fifth off (hang tight we're getting there)- SHIPS. THERE WILL BE SHIPS. YOUR WELCOME. Romance and unrequited love are NECESSARY-atleast to me-to tell the story I am trying to tell. You will eventually figure out what's what, but in case you have certain FEELINGS against some ships, read the tags on the story. There is heterosexuality and homosexuality in canon. If you have anything against that, get the fuck out out of my room I'm playing Minecraft. ( If you do decide to not heed my warnings-just know if you go and hate on my work-I don't lose fights. And chances are, more people are actually enjoying the story, so don't ruin it for them and be a bitch. If you only think about yourself, your not heading in the right place, my man. Trust me. It's the least you could do.)

LASTLY (yes finally)-   Here come the warnings. Don't worry, this story doesn't have a R18 rating. Yes, there is much swearing-if you couldn't already tell-but I only use it when deemed necessary. Of course. Actually-Maybe a bit more, but that's comedical-wise. Again, the main ships are homosexual, just to be clear, and to give you quite a lead. There is some MINOR nsfw, (if I add it) nothing too much or that goes into too much detail. There is definitely some sexual themes-this fanfic includes tord so-but again, they don't ride too far. In all, there is way more fluff than the sexy stuff. (This book includes romance, but that's not the entirety of what it's about). I may add art to the chapters once I'm done-and give this book some decent cover art-while I'm at it. I will also be adding a reference sheet of the characters  in case any of you fellow artists out there would like to do me that honor. Anyways we're done here, I hope you enjoy my book-or atleast, what I have of it on here so far. 

Cheers love!


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