1: Ya Tink I'm Cute, Aye?

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Tuesday, October 5th, 1993 11:34 PM

Waverly let out a raspberry, nudging her glasses up her nose as she flipped the last page of her notes, reading it over and jotting some of the information down on her flashcards. Midterms were less than a month away and she was not going to be unprepared for them. Sure, some would say she was overreacting, but who were they going to be jealous of when they failed and she didn't?

She lifted her eyes to the boy across the library table from her, cocking a brow as he flipped back to the beginning of his notes and pulled a new set of flashcards out, starting all over again. "Jeez, Jeremy. How many more of those do you have to make?"

He looked up at her with tired eyes. "Only five more," he mumbled before looking back down and continuing.

"What do you mean only?" She huffed. "How much are those assholes paying you for them?"

"Eight bucks a subject." He shrugged a little. "I've gotta pay my loans off somehow."

"Yea, well that's usually what jobs are for."

"But when I can fill out three of these in an hour and make $24 and you only make $5 every hour filing papers, who's gonna be debt-free quicker?" He asked with a tip of his head.

Waverly pursed her lips, looking back down at the notecards she was making for herself and herself only. "Still. There's no reason they can't do it themselves."

"Hey. At least they're willing to put the effort in to study. Most don't even do that."

The sophomore pulled the rubber band around her note cards and shut her notebook after she finished the last one, stacking it on top of the other five she had brought with her. She scooped everything into her arms and stood. "Ok, well you have fun with that. I promised my roommate that I'd be home by midnight, and it's . . ." She looked up at the clock on the wall behind his head. "Almost midnight."

"Alright," he said through a yawn. "I'll see you in calc tomorrow."

She gave him a little smile, stepping out from behind her chair and pushing it in. "If you look all tired, I'm gonna be mad at you," she said in warning.

He put his hands up, returning the smile. "I won't, I promise."

"Oook," she drew out with a chuckle. "See ya, Jer."

"See ya."

Waverly turned and headed for the exit, looking down as she boosted her notebooks in her arms. And whether it was because her eyes were downcasted or because she just hadn't expected it in general, she immediately smacked right into another body, sending all of her things and her glasses to the floor. "Shit."

"Jaysus fuck, I'm so sorry," the heavily Irish female said, already on her knees and picking up her dropped school supplies when she opened her eyes from her flinch on impact.

"No," Waverly said as she dropped down in front of her, helping her gather it all back into one pile. "It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention.

Her eyes widened as she felt her tip her chin up, and they stayed that way as she slipped her round-framed glasses back on her face, for she was now able to actually see her. "Dere ya are," she said with a dimpled smile. And it was the mix of those dimples, her soft, amber eyes, and the strands of choppy red hair hanging out of a forest green beanie that made her stomach do a triple backflip. "Ya alrigh' dere?" She asked as she grabbed her things and slowly pushed to her feet, holding her hand out to help her up.

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