21: Dat Means He Better Gotta Rubber

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Sunday, October 31st, 1993, 10:02 PM

"Listen up," Nicole yelled over the music after they arrived at the party. "Ya leave with anyone, ya tell one o' us first alrigh'? Someone's gotta know where yer goin' 'n with who in case ya don't pop back up tomorrow."

"Ooh," Chrissy said, taking a drink from her red solo cup. "I like it when you get all in charge. I'm sure Waves does, too."

Nicole rolled her eyes as the brunette wacked her arm. "Ya come find someone 'fore ya leave, alrigh'?"

"Alright," Rosita huffed, raising her cup at them. "Drink lots of beer and don't set your cups down, Kids."

"T'anks, Rosie Roo," Robin chuckled, patting her back and looking over the rest of the party-goers with ease. "Oo, snacks are dis way." He grabbed one of Jeremy's pockets and started dragging him in that direction.

Nicole looked down at Waverly, sliding her hand down her back when she saw how close she was pressed to her side. "Aye." She looked up at her and the redhead gave her an assuring smile. "Let's go get us some, uh, liquid courage ta loosen ya up a bit. alrigh'?"

Waverly grinned up at her. "That sounds like a great idea."

Nicole started towards the kitchen, and Waverly hooked her finger around the loop on the back of her jeans so she didn't get lost in the crowd of people in very interesting costumes all around her. The kitchen was a lot less crowded, so she let go once they were safely out of the sea of drunken college kids, smiling wide when she saw Levi, Fish, Robin, Jeremy, and Kennedy all standing by the snacks. "Hey, Boys! Long time no see!"

"It's been, like, three minutes, Waves," Jeremy chuckled. He grabbed two cans of beer and offered it out to them. "It's vegan, I checked."

"Thanks," Waverly grinned, but Nicole pushed his hand down, heading over to the various bottles of liquor on the counter behind them. She grabbed a solo cup and two random bottles, not paying any attention to what they were and smirking wide as she began to pour them each into the cup.

"Aye," Robin huffed, grabbing both of the bottles from her hands and setting them back down on the counter. "Ya feckin' alcoholic, behave."

"I am," she argued, downing the whole cup in one gulp.

Robin let out a mildly frustrated sigh and rubbed his forehead. "Jaysus Christ."

"Awe, wouldja look at us!" Kennedy said with a smile, looking around at them and raising his beer. "Seven gays in a kitchen."

"Uh, six and a half ," Waverly corrected with a raise of her brows.

Kennedy put his hands up. "My bad, Padre, six and a half gays in a kitchen."

Waverly smiled, leaning back against the counter by Nicole and forcing the beer into her hand after taking the empty cup from her. "Much better."

"It's bullshite dat dere ain't no Guinness," Nicole grumbled as she popped the tab of the can and took a drink.

"Dat's what I said," Robin agreed, hitching his lip in disgust as he looked down at the beer in his hand.

Waverly grabbed Nicole's hand, pulling her off the counter. "Yea, yea, Captain Irish. Now let's go pretend we're really drunk so it's an excuse for me to grind on you without getting shit for it."

"Don't mind if I do." Nicole widened her eyes at her as she quickly followed her. "I tink I'm gonna like Canadian parties after all."

"Don't cream yer jeans, Corporal!" Robin shouted after her, grinning as she flipped him the bird before they disappeared into the crowd.

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