17: I'm Gonna Shove Me Crutch Down Yer T'roat

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Thursday, October 28th, 1993 1:22 PM

Waverly pulled her dorm door open and let Robin help Nicole in, turning her head and furrowing her brow when she noticed Jeremy wasn't there anymore. "Where's Jer?" She questioned, looking back towards both of them as Robin sat the redhead down on Waverly's bed.

Robin quickly looked towards her, standing up straight and furrowing his brows. "Whaddya mean?"

"I mean he's not here, Robin," she huffed, closing the door after looking up and down the hallway. She grabbed the first aid kit and made her way back over to the two.

"Ya didn't notice he wasn't in t'e elevator?" Nicole questioned, hitching a brow at all of the medical supplies that were shoved into such a tiny container.

"He's ignorin' me anyway, so I was tryna focus on ya," Robin grumbled, sitting down on the other end of the bed and pushing the gauze Waverly handed him against his nose.

Waverly turned her head when she heard the bed shift behind her, catching Chrissy's eye when she rolled over and opened her eyes. The blonde blinked between all of them for a solid five seconds before she sat up and roughly rubbed her eyes. "The fuck'd I miss?"

"Nic beat t'e shite outta Chump fer bein' a gobshite 'n nailed me on accident," Robin mumbled.

"Oh, hell yea!" Chrissy grinned.

"Not hell yea," Waverly snapped as she pulled the desk chair over and sat in front of Nicole.

Robin let out a huff, "C'mon, Babycakes. Ya gotta be at least a wee bit glad. Ya know damn well he had it comin'!"

The brunette threw him a sharp glare as she began to wipe Nicole's face down with a peroxide-dampened gauze. "I don't have to be happy about anything . She could have gotten hurt- More hurt than this. And you could've, too . . . If you would have just listened to us in the first place when we told you to stop, we wouldn't be here right now."

"Aye," Nicole said, a little harsher than she meant to. Waverly looked back towards her, brows dipping at her tone. "I made my own feckin' decision, Waverly. It ain't got nothin' ta do with what he did and didn't do."

"Oo, first fight," Chrissy mumbled from behind them.
"Chrissy!" Waverly snapped in time with the glare the blonde got from Nicole. "Go."

"Go where?" She mumbled.

"Somewhere! Somewhere that's not here!"

Chrissy let out a groan, climbing off her bed and heading towards the front door. "Fine." The door slammed behind her, and Waverly let out a breath, pressing a little too hard on the cut below Nicole's eye.

"Ow," she grumbled, shoving her hand away.

She dropped her hands to her lap, leaning back in her chair and looking up at the ceiling for a few seconds. "Sorry, I'm just-"

"Overreacting?" Robin mumbled under his breath.

Waverly let out a hurt huff as she lifted her head to look at him, seeing the daggers Nicole was shooting him. "Sod off," she muttered. "T'e both o' ya."

Robin rolled his eyes, scooting back on the bed to lean back against the wall. "Look, all I'm sayin' is dat Nic coulda hurt 'em a whole lot more dan she did, so ya can feck off with yer world peace shite."

The redhead slowly looked towards him with wide eyes, tipping her head. "Really?"

He scoffed, "Yer tellin' me ya didn't go easy on 'em?"

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